Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1358: Follow the marks and catch up

The office was empty, no one was there.

There were only documents scattered on the floor, showing that a struggle had taken place here.

All the original conjectures became reality.

Li Beijue's expression was extremely ugly!

He clenched his fists and was about to ask someone to check the surveillance when he found a card dropped on the ground.

It's a business card!

The business card seemed to have been folded by someone's hands in a hurry, but then casually thrown on the ground. It looks like the arrow is pointing in a certain direction!


Li Beijue seemed to have thought of something. He ignored the manager and CEO who were chasing him from the conference room, sweating profusely, and chased him out in the direction of the arrow...

The manager and CEO who had finally chased him were dumbfounded when they saw him running outside again before they could wipe the sweat from their heads.

"Mr. Li?"

"Li...Mr. Li..."

Unfortunately, the man who ran out seemed not to have heard them shouting from behind, and left without looking back.

The group of people looked at each other, not knowing whether they should continue to follow.

"What's wrong with Mr. Li?"

"I do not know either."

"Then shall we follow or not?"

Just as they were hesitating, the tall figure had disappeared.

Now they don't have to worry about whether to follow or not...

Li Beijue chased him all the way from the 18th floor to the first floor, and then followed the simple arrow made of a business card that appeared some distance away on the ground to the elevator to the underground floor.

The underground level is the parking lot.

The arrow seems to have disappeared after catching up here.

Li Beijue pinched the business card he picked up in his hand, his handsome face livid.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of the car starting.

He looked in the direction where the car started, and saw a business card falling on the ground that seemed to have no time to fold the arrow crease!

Chi Enen!

My heart suddenly tightened.

Li Beijue subconsciously chased after him.

But it was still too late, the car had already started and roared past his eyes.

Showing off one's strength seemed to be provoking him.


No matter how long one's legs are or how good one's physical fitness is, it is impossible to outrun a car. After chasing for several hundred meters, he was thrown away from the car and watched helplessly as the car disappeared from his eyes.

Li Beijue kicked over the trash can on the side, took out his mobile phone with a cruel look, and called the driver, "Where is the car?"


"I asked you where the car is?"

"The car is...in front of the company."

"Start the car and wait for me!"


Li Beijue hung up the phone and went straight to the elevator.

Then he made another call and said, "Thunder, help me track the location of the license plate KT3654 immediately! I want to track it in real time! Send the tracking information to my mobile phone!"

"What happened?"

"You don't have to worry about it so much. Just help me track this car. I'll talk about the rest when I get back."

His own people can also track the vehicle's whereabouts, but not as conveniently as Huo Tingting. After all, Huo Tingting has a presidential background.

"Okay, I'll get someone to do it right away."


Seeing that he didn't ask any more questions, Li Beijue's ugly face finally softened a little, and he said for the first time.

After that, he hung up the phone.

Just as the elevator reached the first floor, he rushed out of the door of Yunteng Company.

The driver has parked the car in front of the company and started it.

Seeing him coming, he immediately opened the back seat door and said respectfully, "Sir."

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