When they left, Lin Nai let out a sigh of reluctance, "What's the big deal!"

Immediately, as if thinking of something, he took a photo of the leaving back, with a malicious smile on his face. Picking up the phone, he made a call, "Reporter Zhao, I have a big news for you..."

Chi Enen had already walked a certain distance, so he didn't know that Lin Nai secretly took photos behind their backs and contacted the reporter.

After going out to sunbathe on the beach, Lin Anxin lost the mood to play with Chi Enen and went back to her villa.

Chi Enen was still wearing a swimsuit, so it was impossible to walk around.

As soon as he returned to the villa, he saw that the man who had been told by the doctor to stay in bed for ten days and a half months had already got up, was wearing a nightgown, and was reading documents in his hand.

Huo Yi stood beside him, looking helpless.

Seeing Chi Enen come back, it was like seeing a savior, and immediately called out, "Miss Chi, you are back."

There is only one Miss Chi here.

Li Beijue suddenly raised his head and looked towards the door.

When his eyes fell on Chi Enen's body, his pupils constricted suddenly, his handsome face turned his head ashen, and he ordered in a deep voice to Huo Yi, "Close your eyes and get out!"

"Eh..." How can I get out with my eyes closed?

Huo Yi was depressed, but his body reflexively carried out the order, closed his eyes, and walked out gropingly.

After stumbling all the way, he finally got out, and by the way, helped them close the door of the villa.

Chi Enen watched Huo Yi fumble out with a funny look, but before he could react, the man on the sofa let out a low growl, "What are you wearing? Who allowed you to go out dressed like this?"

damn it!

Lin Anxin took her out just now, just to wear this for her?

Li Beijue clenched his teeth, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

After being ruthless, it turned into two blazing flames.

She too, Lin Anxin gave her two broken steps, and she dared to wear them out, did this woman eat the bear's heart and leopard courage?

Chi Enen was actually wearing a normal one-piece swimsuit, which was considered a conservative style compared to the real three-point swimsuit with less fabric. It's just a hollowed-out strap design at the waistline, which can highlight the waistline a little bit, and other places are completely covered by the swimsuit.

However, she felt that the tightly covered design looked to Li Beijue as if he hadn't worn it.

When he thought of her going out dressed like this just now, he seemed to gouge out the eyes of the men he saw!

"Swimsuit, Anxin asked me to sunbathe to change, what's wrong?" Chi Enen asked blankly, not knowing why.

Li Beijue's thin lips were almost pursed into a straight line, his eyes were breathing fire, "Are you sure you're wearing a swimsuit, not two pieces of rags?"

"It's okay, it won't be two pieces of rags, I think it looks pretty."

Of course it looks good!

It just looks good, so she can't wear it!

Li Beijue waved his hand and said arbitrarily, "You are not allowed to wear this kind of clothes in the future. I will find someone to design your swimsuit for you!"

Don't even think about wearing clothes like this that will make men commit crimes! He will have someone design a safe suit for her. The best is black, the one that covers the neck in one piece!

The style of the diving suit appeared in Li Beijue's mind.

The style that is tightly covered like that is the best!

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