Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1409 It's more delicious than she imagined

Li Beijue actually did this?

Compared with the appalling red wine chicken before, this salmon fillet is really much better. It is completely one heaven and one earth, not like it was made by one person.

"Wait a minute, you can eat it right away." After washing his hands, the man walked to the refrigerator, and a lemon came out from the refrigerator. After cutting three slices, he squeezed out the lemon juice from the rest and poured it on Salmon fillet on top. The remaining three slices of lemon were placed on ice to make a pattern.

"Okay." He picked up the plate and walked towards Chi Enen.

This plate of salmon was finished by Chi Enen watching him. While watching, she had already whetted her appetite, and when the finished fish fillet was actually placed in front of her, Chi Enen's appetite became even greater.

The orange salmon meat is delicately placed on a dragon boat-shaped plate. A thick layer of ice is spread under the concave plate, which is separated by plastic wrap. The salmon meat is placed on the plastic wrap to maximize the The water on the ice is isolated, and the cold air of the ice cubes is used to keep the fish fresh.

There is also a carving of a radish next to the plate. The delicate carving is beautiful, just like the real thing. Next to the carvings were three lemons that Li Beijue had cut.

The bright yellow and orange are in harmony with each other, which is indescribably beautiful.

A pair of chopsticks was handed to her, separating her gaze.

Chi Enen took the chopsticks and said expectantly, "Li Beijue, I'll eat first."

"Let's eat." He said indifferently, but actually his eagle eyes were watching the little woman's expression closely.

Chi Enen picked up his chopsticks and picked up a thin slice of salmon. I have to say that Li Beijue's knife skills are really good. The salmon meat is too delicate, it is difficult to slice it thinly, because it is easy to break if you are not careful. But Li Beijue sliced ​​it thinly, with even thickness, and it happened to be a whole slice, there was no difference in thickness at all.

Chi Enen bent his eyes, took a bite without dipping mustard.

As soon as I entered, I couldn't help but open my eyes wide.

It's not that she has never eaten salmon. When she was at Hubsden's house, she often ate seafood cooked by the chef.

But none of them were as good as the salmon slices she was eating now.

The salmon itself has a sweet taste, and the sea fish is added, and the fish itself also has salt. The sweet salmon and the slightly sour taste of lemon make the lips and teeth full of sour and sweet deliciousness.

No wonder Li Beijue and the others like sea fishing.

Indeed, the food that is cooked immediately after fishing in the sea is much more delicious than that in the restaurant.

Li Beijue had been waiting for her to comment on the taste. After waiting for a long time, the little woman kept squinting her eyes, not intending to praise her.

He frowned and couldn't help asking, "How does it taste?"

Only then did Chi Enen realize that she was so busy eating that she forgot about him. She raised her head and gave an affirmative answer, "It's delicious!"

The originally careless man slightly relaxed his tight jaw, and a gleam of light appeared on his handsome face, but he still looked careless, and said with disgust, "Of course, I don't even look at who did it! "

He spoke with certainty, as if he wasn't the one who asked if the food was good just now.

Chi Enen laughed dumbfounded.

However, he still handed over his chopsticks, and invited him with bright eyes, "Li Beijue, it's really delicious, you should try it too."

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