Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1485 It turns out that he was worried that she would not want to

Li Beijue really wanted to take her into his belly!


In the end, his rationality controlled his behavior and prevented him from doing so.

"Chi Enen." He suddenly called out.

The little struggling man who was shaking his head in discomfort suddenly stopped.

Li Beijue felt her eyelashes brush against the palm of his hand like a fan. Although it was only once, the electric shock feeling almost made him lose control.

"SHI-T!" She blinked!

Li Beijue groaned, his temples jumped twice, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged out because of his forbearance.

Chi Enen was waiting for him to speak, but nothing came. When he did, he scolded him, not knowing who he was talking about.

She opened her mouth and was about to speak.

Then I heard a man's voice coming from above me again, "Shut up!"

"You are not allowed to speak from now on, listen to me!"


After a brief silence, he suddenly spoke in a completely different tone than before, and said seriously as if he was making a promise, "Listen clearly, I will only say this once."

What on earth was he going to say?

Chi Enen didn't know what was going on.

"I never thought that I would like a woman to the point where I really like her, so when Huo Yi told me about our past, I didn't believe it at all! In my eyes, you are a scheming and money-worshiping woman! What I hate the most is women like you!"

Chi Enen's heart suddenly tightened.

She didn't know that Li Beijue had such a bad impression of her after hearing Butler Huo talk about her. So these days...

"But damn, I just fucking like you! No matter if you are a scheming woman who worships money or not, I just fall in love with you! Whether you are scheming or money-worshiping, as long as I have it, as long as you want it! I have everything I can give it to you! If you want the stars in the sky, I can pick them for you!"

If you want the stars in the sky, I can pick them for you!

Chi Enen has heard all kinds of romantic confessions on TV, and none of them are more domineering and romantic than his!

"But if you want it, you must keep asking for it! If I want it, I will also be responsible for you! In the beginning, you took the initiative to provoke me and wanted mine first! So now, you can't say no!"

She blinked quietly, her heart beating at a pace that matched the speed of his words.

Dong-dong-dong, as if in response.

She thought he was trying to say something by covering her eyes so domineeringly, but it turned out that he meant this.

Did he misunderstand her and think she would refuse?

He also deliberately asked her to make a cup of honey water.

In fact, even if he directly said that he wanted it, she would not refuse.

Chi Enen's bright eyes covered by his big hands curved up, and the corners of his mouth also curved up. The curve was like a sunflower, bright and warm, "I don't want it."

"Li Beijue, even if the whole world doesn't want you, I want you! Even if the whole world abandons you, I will always be by your side! As long as you don't tell me, let me go away. I will never leave you!"

Even if the whole world doesn’t want you, I want you!

This was what he had said to her before, and now, she wanted to tell him.

As soon as she finished speaking, she opened her mouth to tell him something else. The moment she opened her mouth, a domineering kiss blocked her mouth.

Then a kiss fell like a storm.

Chi Enen had been prepared for a long time and devoted himself wholeheartedly to responding to this...

The night is still very long...

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