Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1492 Li Qiyun, do you want to consider cooperating with me?

Three minutes later, the doctor was sweating profusely and said, "Okay, it's done. I'll use a splint to help you straighten your bones. Please try not to use this hand for this month, and wait until the bones grow back together. Bone growth It needs to be slowly nursed back to health for two months, and it will take almost three months for complete healing. During these three months, you must pay more attention, otherwise it is likely to leave sequelae on the wrist, which will cause trouble in the future. "

"In addition, do not eat high-protein foods during this period, such as carp, rooster, pickled bamboo shoots, and ginger."

After Li Yun was in severe pain for a moment, she slowly recovered. She looked at him with beautiful eyes and asked, "Will there be any sequelae? What kind of sequelae?"

"This...I'm not sure yet. It depends on the degree of recovery of your wrist. If it recovers well, there will definitely be no problem. If the recovery is not very good, it is possible that your left hand will not be able to do too fine work in the future, but No matter how your recovery is, you came to the hospital to have your bones fixed in time, so your daily life will not be affected.”

Li Qiyun wanted to ask him if fencing and holding guns would be affected.

When the words came to my lips, I swallowed them again.

His eyes darkened.

At this moment, the man who had been standing behind her took out a plaid handkerchief from his pocket, carefully wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and said indifferently but surely, "Your hand will definitely recover. That’s fine, don’t worry.”

Li Qiyun's expression softened a little and she said to the doctor, "Help me fix it."


The doctor couldn't explain why, but he always felt that she had a special aura that made people follow her orders involuntarily.

He quickly helped Li Qiyun tie the bone-setting splint. After fixing it, he said, "It's ready."

Aos helped her up and said gracefully, "Let's go, I'll take you back."

Li Qiyun stood up and walked out without letting him support her.

After walking out of the hospital gate, she suddenly stopped and said with a tired look, "Os, thank you very much for coming to the hospital today to see me. I brought a driver with me, so you don't need to take her there. You can go back first."

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone and walked aside to call the driver.

She had just taken out her phone when her right wrist was grabbed.

Because her hand was injured, she was caught off guard and pulled back.

Li Qiyun was definitely not in a good mood right now. Although she looked relatively pale, her brows furrowed and her strong aura as a strong woman was already revealed. She broke away from the man's grip and said expressionlessly, "Os. "I'm very tired now and need to go home and rest. If you want anything, let me go tomorrow."

She just finished speaking.

Suddenly, the tall man stretched out his hand and wiped the blood droplets on her lips with his fingertips. His deep eyes changed from the usual darkness, "Li Qiyun, do you want to consider cooperating with me?"

Do you want to consider cooperating with me?

Cooperate with me.

Li Qiyun felt her lips burn, and she suddenly took a step back and looked at him warily, "Why cooperate? I don't understand what you mean."

"Haven't you been preparing for the stock market for a long time? Now is the best time. You only need someone who is absolutely reliable and capable enough to partner with you. Who else is a more suitable candidate than me? Let's cooperate, It’s a win-win for you and me, and if we work together, you can do what you want.”

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