Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1517 What is the connection between Aos and Li Qiyun?

Os met his gaze, shrugged his shoulders, smiled and said, "Okay, I accept your warning."

After he finished speaking, he said, "By the way, Qiyun, I, and both parents will have a meal together on Saturday. Would you like Mr. Li to come with us?"

"No time!" He had finished what he needed to say.

Aos said with an 'I knew it' look, "Okay, I was still thinking that if you can go, Qiyun will be very happy. But it seems that I don't have the face with Mr. Li yet." .”

He mentioned Li Qiyun's name again and again, and Li Beijue frowned.

"Actually, Qiyun really cares about you, but the way she expresses herself sometimes may not be acceptable to you. I know her, and her starting point is simply for your own good. But the method she uses is too direct. But this It has to do with the education she received since she was a child. Isn't your Li family's education model simple and crude? She just chose the path she thought was the simplest and most direct to solve the problem." Ao Si suddenly said this.

Li Beijue vaguely felt that he was talking about Li Qiyun's two attacks on Chi Enen, but he was not sure.

After all, with Li Qiyun's character, it was absolutely impossible for him to tell others these two things.

Only a few people knew about this. Unless Li Qiyun told Aos, there was no way he would know!

So Li Beijue was not sure what he was referring to.

His thin lips pursed into a straight line and he did not answer.

That's what Aos said. He didn't expect Li Beijue to respond to him. After he finished speaking, he apologized, "Master Li, I'm sorry, I have to greet other guests. I may have to go first. You should have brought your female companion here, right?"

"Bring it."


Ao Si said with regret, "Hey, it seems that Lan Ke is going to be sad again."

"Okay, Mr. Li, I'm leaving now, I won't disturb you anymore."

Li Beijue watched his back disappear from his sight, his eyes becoming more solemn.

This Oskar was more scheming than he expected.

In the brief confrontation just now, he didn't see any flaws in the other party.

Moreover, he was a little unclear as to what the other party meant when he mentioned Li Qiyun from time to time. He always had a vague feeling that Aos's feelings for Li Qiyun were not as simple as a business marriage.

He accidentally mentioned in his previous words that he knew Li Qiyun.

As far as he knew, this marriage was an impromptu idea of ​​the old man two months ago. Before that, Aos and Li Qiyun probably didn't know each other.

In less than two months, why did he dare to say that he knew Li Qiyun?

He said this in a natural and accustomed tone.

It was as if he really understood Li Qiyun.

Li Beijue frowned.

Is there some connection between the two that he doesn't know about?

But according to the results of his investigation, Li Qiyun probably didn't know this man before.

Li Beijue suppressed the irritable emotions in his chest, took a breath, and calmed down.

Anyway, the purpose of his coming today has been achieved, and the warning that should be given has been given. The rest depends on whether the other party understands or not.

If you don't understand...

His eagle eyes narrowed hard and his eyes turned cold!

But that cold and cruel change only lasted a moment. In the blink of an eye, he had returned to normal, turned around and walked in the direction of Chi Enen.

He didn't know that at this moment, a car parked outside the door, and an extremely beautiful little boy got out of the car without hesitation in front of everyone's attention——

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