Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1524 Lin Anxin is not as indifferent as he says

"Peace of mind..."

Lin Anxin took a deep breath and roughly calculated the losses. After all this trouble, she would lose at least hundreds of millions.

However, if the money is gone, she can make it again. She can't even sell her soul for money, right?

"Forget it, my phone is turned off anyway. Come on, let's drink~"

Chi Enen knew that she was definitely not as indifferent as she showed on her face, so she picked up the red wine glass and had a drink with her.

In a blink of an eye, the bottle of red wine was gone.

Chi Enen only drank a glass and a half, and she drank the rest alone.

Her fair cheeks turned crimson in an instant, her eyes were a little wandering, and her tongue was tangled when she spoke. She didn't forget to take the bottle of red wine next to her, open it, and pour it into her own glass.

Chi Enen saw that she had drunk a little too much and couldn't stand it anymore. He pressed her hand that was pouring the wine and said, "Okay, An Xin, don't drink anymore."

Lin Anxin's neck turned red from drinking, and she subconsciously raised her eyes to look at Chi Enen. After seeing clearly that it was Chi Enen, she smiled and burped, "I'm not drunk. Don't worry, I'm not drunk."

"..." No drunkard would say he was drunk.

Chi Enen held her hand without letting go, but insisted, "Okay, I know you're not drunk. Let's stop drinking. I'll help you go back to the room and sleep for a while."

Lin Anxin insisted on not going, drank a few more glasses of wine, and drank most of the newly opened bottle of red wine. Just when Chi Enen was trying to stop her because she had a headache, she suddenly stopped as if pressing acupuncture points. Holding a red wine bottle in one hand, she opened her eyes and looked at Chi Enen, as if to confirm something.


"It's me." Chi Enen's heart clenched when she saw that she was so bold as if someone was trying to get her drunk.

The last time she saw Lin Anxin drinking like this was when she had just returned to China. Lin Anxin was trying to help her get a supporting role with a few lines on the set. She found the assistant director and invited her to dinner. That night, she stood in front of her, said all kinds of nice things, and drank with her. By the end of the drink, she drank the assistant director to the point of passing out, and got the contract for that role for Chi Enen before rushing over. I vomited wildly in the bathroom.

At that time, Lin Anxin's face was red from drinking. After vomiting, his first reaction was to make sure she was not around, as if he was afraid that she would be eaten up by bad guys.

Chi Enen originally wanted to say something to her about her breakup with Si Chen, but seeing her like this, all her words turned into heart-wrenching.

Lin Anxin was already 70 to 80% drunk. She didn't look like a female star at all. She made silly noises and smiled at her twice. She smiled and burst into tears. fell down.

She just shed tears, but she didn't make any sound at all. She even forced her lips to grin, as if she was forcing herself to laugh.

Chi Enen felt as if someone had punched her hard in the chest. She was shocked and felt at a loss for a moment. "An Xin..."

She bit her lower lip, stood up suddenly, and said, "I'm going to find Si Chen!"

Just as she was about to throw away her hand, she found that her left hand was grabbed by someone. Immediately afterwards, the person holding her hand seemed to feel uncomfortable, suddenly stood up staggeringly, and ran inside.

Chi Enen immediately followed her.

Lin Anxin rushed all the way to the bathroom, opened the toilet lid, collapsed there and vomited.

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