Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1530 Standing up is a slap in the face

The bedroom of the villa is beautiful and fiery.

The weather suddenly changed outside.

First, around ten o'clock in the evening, the financial statements of the Li Chaebol were revealed by someone unknown. On the financial statements, the data of the Li Chaebol this year was not good-looking, and funds were still missing in several large places.

Immediately afterwards, the problems in the financial statements were not resolved, and the stocks began to be sold off sharply. The Li Chaebol's stock price actually fell to its lowest point in less than two hours, and it continues to decline...

During this process, various gossips that were unfavorable to the Li chaebol came out from different channels, as if they had been arranged early in the morning.

Mr. Li is still awake in the isolation ward. As one of the major shareholders, Li Nantian received the news immediately.

He looked at the messages sent one after another, stood up suddenly, and smashed the coffee cup in his hand.

The servants were all trembling with fear, and no one dared to speak.

Li Nantian seemed to be very angry, his cold face was full of anger and disbelief, and he was trying his best to restrain himself.

No matter how restrained he was, his whole body was still shaking slightly with anger. He clenched his fists and lowered his voice with a heavy face, "Go and invite the eldest lady back!"

He didn't call, he asked.

This means that even if Li Qiyun doesn't want to come back, she must use force to bring her back!

Although the bodyguard didn't know what the relationship between Li's problem and the eldest lady was, he didn't dare to ask more questions and went to carry out his order.

Li Nantian fell down on the sofa with a sullen face. After sitting for a while, he called Li Beijue again and found that after the phone was turned off, his temples jumped a few times.

He waited for less than half an hour, and Li Qiyun came back.

She was still wearing the suit she had seen Li Beijue in before. She was beautiful and capable. As if she didn't notice the low-pressure atmosphere in the living room, she calmly walked up to Li Nantian and called, "Dad."

Li Nantian kept his face tense until she walked in front of him, then he suddenly stood up and slapped her hard on the face!

"Pa!" A heavy slap resounded throughout the living room.

All the servants in the living room were frightened and lowered their heads, fearing that the fire would reach them.

Mr. Li actually hit the eldest lady! It’s incredible!

Who doesn't know that Mr. Li has a cold face and a warm heart. Although he doesn't show it on his face for so many years, he actually dotes on the eldest lady.

It can be said that the eldest daughter has become a treasure in the palm of my hand, and she has never said a harsh word.

What did the eldest lady do this time to actually provoke Mr. Li to take action.

Li Nantian didn't regret it after the beating. He looked at Li Qiyun covering the left side of her face, her brows almost pinching flies.

"Did you do it?"

Li Qiyun remained silent.

Li Nantian's chest heaved violently because of her anger, and his face was livid, "Reason! What's the reason for you to do this?"

As soon as he looked at the report, he knew whose hand it was.

Except for Li Qiyun, no one could do such a big trick without anyone noticing.

His daughter wanted to bring down his family's group. No one else would be able to accept it, so he wanted a reason!

Li Qiyun still tightened her lips and said nothing.

From the moment she stepped into the house, she knew what she was going to face, and she was ready.

Li Nantian became even more furious when he saw her stubborn look. But the profile of her face looked too much like her dead mother. Li Nantian raised his hand, but still couldn't hit her hard. He tried his best to control himself, and his palm turned into a fist in mid-air, and he slowly lowered it. ——

"Are the Os family involved?"

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