Biquge, the fastest update of love marriage: big CEO, little sweetheart!

The servant also noticed that his face was not very good, and said without hesitation, "Yes, Mr. Li, I'll make a call right away."

On the other hand, she secretly disagreed with Li Qiyun's approach.

No matter what the reason is, the eldest lady should not be so angry with the boss. It can be said that Mr. Li has devoted all his efforts to the eldest lady over the years and responded to her every request. Even though Mr. Li is not an expressive person, they can all see that Mr. Li really loves the eldest lady.

The eldest lady made Mr. Li so angry that he felt uncomfortable.

outside the door.

Li Qiyun actually didn't leave immediately.

After she closed the entrance door, she kept standing outside and heard Li Nantian inside asking the servant to call the personal doctor.

Her hand involuntarily grasped the door handle so tightly that the veins on the back of her fair hand protruded.

Just then, her phone vibrated.

Li Qiyun calmed down the complicated emotions in her heart, took a deep breath, walked to the side and answered the phone, "Hello."

"Where are you?"

It's Os!

The last thing Li Qiyun wanted to hear now was his voice, and said extremely impatiently, "It has nothing to do with you, don't forget, we are just a cooperative relationship."

The person on the other end didn't seem angry. He paused and said, "Even if we just have a cooperative relationship, I always have to care about the health of my partners."

"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me!" Li Qiyun's tone was cold and distant.

The person on the other end didn't seem to hear it and smiled, "Really? What I saw seems to be different from what you said. The eldest lady of the Li family does not look very good. Standing alone in the cold wind, Calling me now."

Li Qiyun immediately looked around, and sure enough, he saw a low-key Maybach parked at the opposite intersection.

The person in the car window was looking at her, shaking the phone in his hand and saying hello.

Li Qiyun's expression suddenly turned cold. She covered the slap mark on her left face without leaving any trace, and asked in a cold voice, "Are you following me?"

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't follow you. I just saw that you left at noon without even attending the auction. I asked someone to check where you were. I wanted to take you to the hospital and put the splint on your wrist. Get it."

"Hi." Li Qiyun didn't know whether he believed it or not. After sneering, he suppressed all the emotions in his eyes and said indifferently, "Mr. Aos, you don't need to spend so much thought on me. Because no matter what you do to me, No matter how much thought you put into it, you will only get what you deserve based on the conditions we negotiated before. More, you don’t have to think about it, and you can’t get it.”

She has done something detrimental to the Li family, but she doesn't really want to do anything to the Li family, nor does she want to compete with Beijue.

All she wants is to achieve her goal.

And Os is her partner.

She can cooperate with him, but if he thinks of her as the kind of stupid woman who can easily fall in love and get carried away, he will underestimate her too much!

"I know." The person on the other end was as calm as her, and said calmly and lazily, "I have always known that you are Li Qiyun. The name Li Qiyun is the name of the most legendary woman in the business world in recent years. I have never I have never underestimated these three words. I just want to take you to the hospital. Come and get in the car. I will wait for you."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Li Qiyun frowned, put away her phone, and walked towards the Maybach——

Li Nantian asked someone to pick her up when she came. It would be too troublesome to ask the driver to pick her up now.

The most important thing is that she has no face to stay here now. From her father's side, she can only ask for his forgiveness after she has finished what she has to do.

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