Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1537 Li Beijue is going back

As soon as Li Qiyun's specious meaning came out, Li's stock, which had finally stabilized, began to fall again.

For those who hold shares, they don't care who the heir to this super wealthy family is. What they care about is that civil strife in the company will cause the stock to fall. If they don't sell it now, they will only lose more if they keep it...

This effect is undoubtedly a series. If everyone holds this idea, then the stock price will only keep falling until it is suspended!

Li Nantian watched the reporter's interview video with Li Qiyun on TV, and then saw Li Qiyun calmly speaking those words, and closed his eyes hard——

The assistant watched the entire video next to him, and then seeing how tired he looked without rest all night, he couldn't help but asked with concern, "Mr. Li, are you okay? Why don't you rest for a while, and I'll make you a cup of coffee... "

Others didn't know, but he knew that Li Nantian rushed back to the headquarters last night.

Then I didn't rest all night, checking the specific situation of the company.

I rushed to the company again early this morning. Once I arrived at the company, there was a lot of things to do.

Until now, I haven't even had a drink of water.

"Mr. Li, do you drink Mocha or Blue Mountain?" the assistant asked cautiously.

Regarding what Li Qiyun did, Li Nantian now felt not only disappointed but also sad. He just lost his temper briefly, and soon he adjusted his mood. He opened his eyes. Although his temples were still swollen, he rubbed his temples and quickly ordered, "Notify all departments immediately and prepare for a meeting! In fifteen minutes, I will see all manager-level and manager-level The above people!”

"Yes, Mr. Li."

The assistant is getting ready to do it.


He stopped the person, "Wait a minute."

The assistant immediately stopped, turned around, and asked, "Mr. Li, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Li Nantian frowned, and then changed his words to, "No, you can go out first."

He should call Beijue himself.

"Yes, Mr. Li." Although the assistant was confused, he still went out. Before going out, he helped him close the door.

After the office door closed, Li Nantian stood for a while, then walked towards the intercom phone on his desk, picked up the phone on the desk, and dialed——


At the same time, Li Beijue had already gotten up.

As soon as he walked out of the bedroom, Huo Yi handed over the phone and said respectfully, "Sir, Mr. Li's phone number."

He was talking about Li Nantian.

Li Beijue's originally lazy expression suddenly became sharp. He narrowed his eagle eyes, reached out to take the phone, and put it to his ear.

Five minutes later, he returned the phone to Huo Yi, who was waiting at the side, and said, "Get ready and go back to Li's headquarters!"

Huo Yi had already seen the news and guessed why Li Nantian called at this time. He quickly said, "Yes, I will make arrangements right away."

He was about to leave, but stopped again, and asked hesitantly, "Sir, Miss Qiyun, she..." What exactly did Miss Qiyun want to do? Did she ever think about Mr. Li when she did this? He really didn't understand why Miss Qiyun did this.

"This is not your concern!" Li Beijue interrupted with a flash of anger in his eyes.

"Sorry, Sir." Huo Yi also realized that he had asked too much, and quickly went out to do something.

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