Biquge, the fastest update of love marriage: big CEO, little sweetheart!

The assistant acted very quickly, and it took him ten minutes to deliver the dress from the nearest famous brand store. In addition to the dress, a store clerk also came over and helped Chi Enen change into a small dress.

Although it also falls into the category of formal wear, this skirt is not a gorgeous long dress worn to a dinner party.

Instead, it uses suit fabrics to design a short business skirt. The designer made a unique design with a hollow bow on the waist. The hollow is not big, and the bow is mainly small. But with this little finishing touch, the dull suit suddenly looks more feminine.

In terms of the length of the skirt, the designer also took great care and shortened it as much as possible to highlight the leg lines of the wearer.

The clerk also brought specially matched black one-piece high heels. When Chi Enen changed into one set, her whole temperament changed.

She usually likes to wear simple clothes at home, usually a white shirt and jeans, or a simple skirt.

With her hair tied up again, she looks like a college student who has just stepped out of society.

This time, she looked more mature when she put on clothes that looked more like a professional woman's. Coupled with Chi Enen's calm and calm temperament, the whole person's aura suddenly came out.

"How about it? Is it okay?" She knew that the press conference had already started, so she didn't let the store clerk help her put on makeup. She just put on lipstick and tied her hair up a little, looking very energetic.

Li Beijue's eyes first moved down from her pretty face without makeup, then to her slightly exposed waist, and then down to Chi Enen's legs.

Chi Enen's legs are not particularly thin, but the lines are straight and even, and her skin is white. After wearing high heels, they are particularly conspicuous!

It was so conspicuous that Li Beijue frowned for a moment, regretting what he just said about asking her to attend the press conference together!

He put the account directly on the assistant's head.

Shit! Who asked him to find such revealing clothes!

Although he wanted to ask Chi Enen to change into another one, it was too late. He took a deep breath, looked away, grabbed Chi Enen's hand and walked out, "Let's go."

"Yeah." Chi Enen followed his footsteps.

She rarely wears high heels, especially such high heels. I wonder if Li Beijue noticed this and walked slowly. Although he didn't turn his head to look at her, he kept holding her tightly with his left hand, as if he was afraid of her falling.

Chi Enen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, feeling sweet in his heart. She moved her eyes away and looked forward, her gaze firming——

This time, she won't be the same again.

No matter what happens, she will face it with him!

In the large conference room with a capacity of 5,000 people, the noise was getting louder and louder, filled with whispering discussions.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

"I don't know. Didn't we agree on 11 o'clock? It's already 11:18 now."

"What's going on, Mr. Li?"

Li Nantian had already entered the venue. Looking at the chaotic conference room, he turned around and asked Huo Yi, who was covered in sweat and arrangements, "What's going on? Why hasn't Beijue come yet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang, and the door of the conference room opened from behind——

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