It is said that serious men are the most handsome.

When Li Beijue got serious, he was so handsome that people couldn't take their eyes away.

But at this time, Chi Enen was not in the mood to appreciate his brilliance.

She walked straight up to him with the coffee, put down the coffee, and reached out to close his notebook.

Li Beijue was looking at the latest data compiled by the secretariat. Suddenly his vision went dark and the computer was turned off.

At the same time, a cup of steaming coffee was placed in front of him, and it happened to be placed on his laptop. It was obvious that it was intentional.

He frowned.

Huo Yi didn't dare to disturb him when he was working.

Chi Enen's behavior of closing his laptop without saying a word is definitely a sign of having the courage of a bear and a leopard, and he is extremely courageous. If it were another person who did this, he would have told him to get out, but this person was Chi Enen, so he held back.

"Have some hot coffee."

Seeing that he didn't move, Chi Enen pushed the coffee cup in front of him and motioned for him to drink.

Li Beijue's mind was filled with data now. He frowned, took away the coffee cup and said, "Put it there for now. I will drink it later."

As he spoke, he reached out to lift the laptop.

Chi Enen, with quick eyes and quick hands, got in front of him, pressed down the laptop with one hand, and pushed back the coffee cup he had taken away, "Li Beijue, you need to rest! From 8:30 this morning to now, you You haven’t rested for a minute, even if you are a robot, you still have time to recharge, and you are not a robot, so let’s have a cup of coffee first!”

She pressed the notebook. Li Beijue was a little irritable at first, but now that he heard her say this, his irritability disappeared and turned into joy, and he even felt a little better. He raised his head, his eagle eyes suddenly looked at the little woman in front of him, his thin lips touched up and down, "Are you concerned about me?"

Chi Enen glanced at him mentally, picked up the laptop on his desk, held it in his hand, and admitted frankly, "Yes, I am caring about you, and I am also worried about you. Butler Huo said that your stomach No, you’ve been so busy today that you haven’t eaten anything..."

She really doubted that he was made of iron. Normal people would not be able to bear working continuously for such a long time.

He could actually bear it!

"I confiscated the computer. You need to take a rest first."

She is the only one who dares to do this, why not try it with someone else?

It would be Huo Yi who is already on a plane mining coal in country T.

When Li Beijue was doing something, he didn't notice that Chi Enen took his laptop away, and he immediately felt the pain in his temples.

He reached out and pressed his temples on both sides and rubbed them.

Then he reached out and picked up the coffee that Chi Enen made for him. After taking the first sip, he frowned at the sweetness. He raised his head, looked at the little woman on the sofa who was also drinking coffee, and asked, "Is this What? Why is it so sweet?”

Chi Enen took a sip of the coffee in the cup and said without raising his head, "Cappuccino."

"I added a few more sugar cubes for you."


He doesn't like anything too sweet!

Chi Enen seemed to know what he was thinking. He raised his head and looked over at him, "You haven't eaten for a day and your body needs sugar, so I added two more pieces of sugar for you. It's not very sweet. Please bear with it." Bear with it.”

In the past, no secretary had ever dared to let him endure it, and he would not give anyone the face to tolerate it.

But if it were Chi Enen...

Li Beijue lowered his head, holding back his displeasure, and took two more sips.

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