Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1554 Some people are favored by God

On the Internet, an ordinary person's Weibo suddenly became famous. In less than ten minutes, it received tens of thousands of reposts, attracting the attention of major marketing accounts.

After a while, major marketing accounts also reposted this Weibo post, and the number of retweets exceeded 100,000 in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the blogger posted several short videos in seconds, which immediately triggered a new round of reposting craze.

Li Beijue confessed.

Li Beijue's heart rate.

Li Beijue made his relationship public.

Several keywords have become hot searches on Weibo, and Chi Enen has also been on the hot search list.

This time, the person who recorded the mobile phone video was very close to Li Beijue, so he captured Li Beijue's face very clearly.

Many people who did not originally pay attention to information in the financial circle started to pay attention to Weibo after seeing the complete video and Li Beijue's handsome face.

All kinds of comments poured out, and one video almost crashed the Weibo system.

The blogger who posted on Weibo gained hundreds of thousands of followers in less than 20 minutes, and her mailbox was filled with private messages from people who followed her, asking where her address was.

He suddenly became an Internet celebrity, and the faces of those who posted on Weibo turned red with excitement. They pulled their friends around and couldn't express their excited words clearly, "Xiao Ai, look at my Weibo... Weibo..."

Her friend was still listening to the song, but she pulled her sleeves inexplicably, and turned to look at her in confusion, "What's wrong with Weibo?"

"I, I, I... I just took a random photo and posted it on Weibo. The video instantly went viral. I now have 500,000 followers. They said..."

"500,000 fans? Are you sure it's 500,000, not 50?" Her friend's eyes widened and she asked with disbelief.

The man's face flushed with excitement, and he stammered, "It's really 500,000. I didn't believe it when I first saw it, and thought I had a seizure on Weibo. It turned out that I really gained so many followers." . Because he is Li Beijue! "

She really didn't recognize who the person playing the piano was at first. She simply thought it sounded good and the man playing the piano was very handsome, so she couldn't help but take a photo and post it online.

When she finished playing a song and felt her phone vibrating non-stop, she looked at her Weibo and it was already blowing up.

All kinds of private messages came in, and the number of forwards exceeded her imagination.

"Hurry up and shoot a video and post it online. I want to shoot it too. My number of fans is still increasing. If it continues like this, I will become a big Weibo fan in the future."

She couldn't hide her excitement and didn't forget to remind her good friends to seize the opportunity.

The girl who was reminded by her quickly found her mobile phone and took pictures of the man in front of the piano.

I have to say that sometimes God is extremely biased. We are all human beings, and some people are destined to be where the sun, moon and stars are. Even if I didn’t use any beauty techniques or deliberately look for angles, I just took it with my mobile phone, and it was a perfect 360° with no blind spots.

Even the hand that plays the piano is so beautiful that there is nothing to say.

The girl who took out her phone later was also a hand control person and couldn't help but give Li Beijue a close-up of his hand.

Looking closer, the hands are still well-joined, slender and strong, so beautiful that people want to keep them.

Definitely the representative of the mobile gaming year!

Li Beijue didn't care at all about the people taking pictures of him around him. He could only see one person in his eyes from beginning to end, and that was Chi Enen!

"You are the quietest among the noise

But it easily ignites the slow-warming heart

It was pouring rain here just a second ago

In this second, my heart is clear because of you

These words may be a bit cheesy

But I believe it was love at first sight..."

The piano played the last string of notes, a crisp ending, and the surroundings fell silent.

He stood up, not caring about the attention of the surrounding people. Under the spotlight, he walked directly in front of Chi Enen and asked in a low voice, "Did you get the picture?"

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