Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1559 At worst, she will support him

Chi Enen received a video call from Chi Baobao in her small office. Li Beijue went to a meeting again, so she directly answered Chi Baobao's video call.

After a burst of electricity surged through the phone screen, her Chibaobao popped up.

Chi Baobao was wearing green fluffy dinosaur pajamas, with a pair of adult men's slippers on her feet. She was holding a mug in her hand. She raised her head and took a sip, and the edges of her mouth were immediately stained with milky white traces.

Chi Enen didn't know where he connected the video, but looking at his leisurely look, he knew he didn't connect it to his mobile phone.

The video was probably connected to the TV in the living room or the rear projection in the study room.

Chi Baobao drank up the milk in two gulps before noticing that the video was connected. He sat on the sofa next to him, put the iPad on his lap and said, "Woman, let me tell you something." The current situation of Lao Wang next door. The stock price is still falling, and the shortcomings of shortage of liquidity are also exposed. In addition, Lao Wang next door’s sister frequently contacts the major shareholders of Li’s chaebol. Now Lao Wang next door is under great pressure. . And if it continues like this, it will definitely not be good for Lao Wang next door. What are you going to do?"

Chi Enen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Chi baby, you are not even 8 years old yet!"

Whose child under 8 years old would pay attention to this?

"The difference between 8 years old and adulthood is only 2!" Chi Baobao didn't like anyone talking about his age, so he pouted unconvinced.

"Why didn't I know that the age of adulthood became 10 years old?" Chi Enen deliberately teased him.

Chi Baobao was leisurely leaning on the sofa. He was not moved at all. He said very calmly and confidently, "16 years old is the internationally recognized age of adulthood! 8 times 2 equals 16, so I am only missing 2."

He didn't give Chi Enen a chance to fight back, and immediately said dissatisfied, "Woman, are you too nervous? The old Wang next door is like this, aren't you worried?"

"What are you worried about?" Chi Enen was much calmer and calmer than him. She raised her lips and thought clearly, "The worst result is that he can't get through this difficulty. Even if he can't get through it, there will still be me and you. From now on, I will Feed him! And I believe in him!”

Regardless of whether the outside world was optimistic about Li's current situation, she still believed in Li Beijue.

Because that man is a genius.

She didn't believe that he would always be suppressed like this by Li Qiyun, without the ability to fight back.

Besides, life can't always be smooth sailing. If Li Beijue really capsizes in the gutter this time, she will be there too!

Li Li Beijue was the one who raised her in the past. At worst, she would be the one to raise him this time.

"I didn't say I wanted to support Lao Wang next door." Chi Baobao turned away uncomfortably, as if 'I didn't say it, you were talking to yourself'.

It's a pity that he showed concern for Li Beijue from the beginning of this video call. Now that he says it again, it's not convincing at all.

Chi Baobao probably realized that what he said was not convincing at all, so he turned around, with a cool face, and reluctantly said, "If he doesn't spend money so much, I can consider it." After all, the boss next door Wang Tai is a prodigal!


Chi Enen suppressed her smile, but her eyes were filled with sparkles. She changed her hand to hold the phone and said with a smile, "Okay. Don't think so much, trust your dad."

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