Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1584 Shareholders Meeting (1)

Even if Chi Enen doesn't want to see it anymore, what is supposed to come will still come.

In a blink of an eye, the day of Li's shareholders' meeting arrived.

Li Qiyun still did not stop before the shareholders' meeting started, and the shareholders' meeting was held as usual.

At three or five o'clock in the morning, some media members were already squatting at the door of Li's headquarters, occupying good seats. Reporters from other media arrived at six o'clock in the morning, and in less than half time, Li's headquarters was already surrounded.

Major TV stations and websites also paid close attention to Li's progress and reported live throughout the process.

The news is overwhelming.

At 8:30 in the morning, luxury cars began to arrive at the scene one after another.

Even though the security personnel had formed a human wall to block the swarming reporters, the car still couldn't get in.

Each shareholder had to ask the driver to park outside the company and walk in.

With a distance of less than 200 meters, it became difficult to move. The spotlights on both sides were shining like celebrities walking on the red carpet.

"Miss Avril, do you prefer Young Master Li or Miss Li? Do you have a favorite candidate in your heart?"

"Sorry, I don't accept interviews."

"Mr. An, what do you think of today's shareholders' meeting? Who do you think will be the final winner?"

"...Sorry, no comment."

"Please tell me your opinion. There are rumors that this shareholders' meeting is very unfavorable to Mr. Li. Miss Li met with several shareholders in private. Are you among them?"

The man who was being targeted by the spear kept smiling, but he winked at the assistant next to him. The assistant reacted quickly and immediately stood in front of him, "I'm sorry, our directors don't accept interviews. Regarding the questions you raised, There is no comment. As for what the final result will be... we, the directors, hope it will be a favorable outcome for the chaebol! For the rest, we, the directors, have no opinion and will not express any opinions!"

A favorable outcome for the chaebol...

How could this kind of essential oil answer silence the reporter? Sure enough, the reporter was not satisfied with this answer at all and continued to ask questions.

Every shareholder member who passes by the company's door must undergo such questioning.

But basically few shareholders will seriously express their opinions.

Either he refused the interview coldly, or he asked his assistant to smooth things over. Anyway, no one was stupid enough to say anything to the reporter.

The shareholders' meeting starts at nine o'clock.

At 8:45, a silver Maybach parked in front of the company.

When reporters saw the license plate, they swarmed over——

"Miss Li!"

"Vice President!"

Sure enough, the driver got out of the car first, and then helped open the door, and the well-dressed Li Qiyun appeared in front of everyone.

She was wearing an Armani blue suit and skirt today, and her noble and strong woman temperament was undoubtedly evident on her body. Coupled with her delicate face and gorgeous red lips, she shocked the spotlight as soon as she appeared on the stage.

The spotlight flashed at her crazily, and the reporters were so busy taking pictures that they forgot to ask questions.

After taking a few pictures first, a reporter immediately blocked the way, holding up the microphone and handing it forward desperately, "Miss Li, the shareholders' meeting is about to start, and Mr. Li hasn't come yet. Can you be here first? Are you excited about today?" Confidence?”

All the reporters gave up hope on her, thinking that she would not answer. Unexpectedly, she looked at the reporter who asked the question with her beautiful eyes, and said calmly, "Of course!"

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