Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1601 Mr. Si arranged to come in

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The makeup artist still likes her very much. After all, there are many female stars in the entertainment industry who are difficult to maintain. The slightly famous one has a very bad temper and doesn't treat the staff as human beings.

Lin Anxin has always been one of the female artists who are easy to work with in the industry, and it is rare to hear news about her acting as a big name.

Moreover, she has strict requirements on work. Other times, basically no requests are made. Do whatever you want, no special treatment. He doesn’t have the airs of a big star, but he’s easy to get along with.

It was precisely because Lin Anxin was the most relatable female artist she had ever worked with that she was now willing to say something more, "Director Teng was in the lounge discussing... the script with the screenwriter. He was a bit busy. Sister Anxin also brought some to Director Teng. A gift? Why don't you give it to me, and when he's finished, I'll hand it over to him for you."

Lin Anxin declined her politely, "Forget it, I'll take it myself. I also want to watch Director Teng and the others discuss the script."

"...Okay." The makeup artist looked strange and didn't hold on.

Along the way, everyone on the set greeted her with her hesitant eyes.

No matter how slow her reaction was, Lin Anxin felt that something was wrong with the looks around her, but she didn't know why.

She somehow walked all the way to the studio lounge where the director and assistant director lived, and knocked on the door.

"Knock knock."

"Come in."

She unscrewed the door and went in.

As soon as the director turned around, he saw her. His expression was obviously stunned, and then he blurted out, "An Xin, why are you here?"

This question is exactly the same as the makeup artist.

Lin Anxin had a good personal relationship with the director and said with a smile, "I came back early because I have something to do. I plan to start work tomorrow. I just have time today, so I will send you the tea I bought for you."

She raised the bag in her hand and said with a smile, "I've had the best Dahongpao. The taste is indescribable. You will definitely fall in love with it."

After she finished speaking, she noticed that besides the director and screenwriter, there were several people in the room.

She knows the assistant director and producer among them.

There was also a woman who was beautifully dressed but obviously had an internet celebrity face, whom she didn't recognize.

She was about to say hello.

The man had already stood up before her. He looked at her with an obviously unkind look and said, "Ah, Sister An An is back. Just in time. Director, didn't you just say that you should wait until Sister An An comes back to change the script plan? Now An Xin Sister is back, just in time to discuss it together."

"What plan to change the script? Hasn't the script been polished a long time ago?" Lin Anxin frowned.

This script is the work of the screenwriter who has worked hard for five years. The story is very stunning and every detail can withstand scrutiny.

When they held a script workshop before, didn't they decide not to modify it and just use the original version?

The director looked like he had eaten Coptis chinensis, and shook his head invisibly at her, signaling her to calm down. He introduced to Lin Anxin helplessly, "This is Miss Tiffany. She is the actor arranged by Mr. Si during your vacation. She plays the role of Lan Ruo in the film."

Mr. Si arranged for actors to come in!

Lin Anxin suddenly understood the director's hint.

She had thought of such a situation before the breakup, so she wasn't too surprised.

She and Si Chen had planned to get together and break up, so it was normal for them to find another girlfriend. What's more, she wasn't someone's legitimate girlfriend before, so it would be even more normal for someone to find her again.

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