Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1613 Public revenge and private revenge

I like you.

The four words came too suddenly.

Chi Enen was dumbfounded.

Jiang Hao seemed to have made up his mind. He mustered up the courage to speak out the words he had buried in his heart for several months, "I remember the first time I saw you, when you first came to the planning department. In the tea room I made a cup of coffee and sat there reading the company's resume. From that moment on, I couldn't help but notice you. Later, when I was getting along with you in the department, I found that I couldn't control myself and started paying more and more attention to you. The more. My eyes always drift towards you involuntarily..."

The man standing at the corner of the corridor had stern black eyes and clenched fists.

His eyes can't help but drift towards you. Damn it, he should get rid of those dog eyes!

Every strand of Chi Enen's hair belongs to him!

Li Beijue didn't think his behavior was eavesdropping at all!

"I originally wanted to confess to you before, but what happened to Luna happened. Later, after I found out your identity, I also thought about hiding this feeling in my heart and never expressing it."

After Chi Enen's initial surprise, he gradually calmed down. She opened her mouth, but the words of rejection had not yet come out.

Jiang Hao seemed to know what she was going to say, and smiled bitterly, "Well, you don't have to reject me. I know the result. The reason why I insist on telling you is that I don't want to leave regrets in my life."

He took a deep breath, as if he felt a lot more relaxed, and showed the clean and hearty smile he had when they first met, "I plan to resign and go to country T to study for Ph.D., and I probably won't have the chance to see you again. Well, I hope you are happy. ”

Even if the man who gave her happiness was not him.

As for going to country T to pursue his career, he had already decided when he was arranged to go to country S by Li Beijue at the meeting.

This time the company was in turmoil, and he really didn't stand in line. Although he didn't explicitly choose the vice president, he secretly chose him.

If he succeeds as a king or loses as a bandit, he can bear the consequences.

Chi Enen swallowed her rejection and said seriously, "Thank you."

She added, "I think I will be happy."

The last bit of hope in Jiang Hao's heart was shattered.

Nothing makes people lose hope more than the girl they like saying she will be happy with a happy face.

Although he had expected this result, he was still a little disappointed emotionally because of his rationality. Jiang Hao forced a smile, "Yeah! You must be happy!"

Li Beijue has endured for a long time and has reached the limit of his patience. He walked straight out of the corner, walked to Chi Enen, pulled out the little woman's wrist, and stood between her and Jiang Hao arrogantly. The dark eyes showed no emotion at all, but there was an absolute warning in them, "You don't have to worry about whether she is happy or not!"

"Also, if you want to resign, it depends on whether I approve it or not. Based on your current performance... there happens to be a clerk position in the Propaganda Department of Country T Branch. Where will you report?"

All senior executives have signed contracts. If they resign at will, they will need to pay dozens of times the company's liquidated damages.

That kind of money is definitely not something a senior executive can afford!

Of course he didn't know if the Propaganda Department of Country T Branch was missing a clerk.

But he thought, more can be less!

That's right, he just avenged his personal revenge.

Who dared Jiang Hao to peek at Chi Enen in front of him!

As a man, since Jiang Hao dares to do something, he must dare to bear his anger!

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