Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1616 Will urge her to order food multiple times

One end.

Chi Enen was so tired that he couldn't even move his fingers.

It was completely like being carried into the bathroom by a domineering man and taking a bath.

After washing, she finally regained some energy.

"Here, drink some water." A glass of honey water was handed to her. The mood of the person who was still sulking before had completely cleared up. Her energetic appearance was in sharp contrast to her miserable appearance. After looking her up and down with arrogant eagle eyes, he came to the conclusion, "Chi Enen, you are too thin. Starting from tomorrow, I will urge you to eat more!" "

She is just too thin, so her physical strength cannot keep up.

If he pressed a little harder, she wouldn't be able to bear it.

And it’s too thin and doesn’t feel good in the hand.

Chi Enen was holding the honey water and lowered her head to drink it. When she heard his words, she almost choked on the water.


Although she reacted quickly, she still choked on some water.

"Are you a pig?" The domineering man said he was disgusted, but his body reacted quickly. He immediately stepped forward and patted her on the back.

It's just that he doesn't know how to take care of people at all, and his actions are not serious.

Chi Enen was a little sore from being slapped by him.

After finally waiting for the breath to go down, she immediately dodged, "No, Li Beijue, I'm not choking anymore."

Li Beijue withdrew his hand and glared at her, "Why are you so anxious about a drink of water? No one is trying to grab it from you!"

"..." It's not because of you!

Chi Enen was extremely depressed.

She's not too thin either.

By today's standards, she is definitely of normal weight. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to gain weight, and even thinking about it felt... not very nice.

"Drink. After you drink, I will take you out to eat." Li Beijue just talked to her and would not really do anything to her. He also took out a piece of paper and handed it to her to wipe the water that had just been made. After that, he took the phone and walked away.

Half an hour later.

Chi Enen was speechless as he looked at the helicopter parked on the rooftop of the community.

Are they sure they just went out for a late-night snack?

Li Beijue didn't think there was anything strange.

The rooftop of this community was originally designed as a helipad to facilitate residents to temporarily park their helicopters. Others who live here occasionally use the helicopter.

He didn't think there was anything strange about using a helicopter to have a meal.

In his eyes, helicopters and cars are just means of transportation.

He went up first, then stretched out his hand towards Chi Enen and said in a low voice, "Give me your hand and come up."

"Oh." Chi Enen stretched out her hand and put it on his big hand.

Li Beijue shook his hand and pulled her up.

The helicopter was still the same one as before, but the person driving the helicopter was not Huo Yi.

As soon as they got up, the hatch closed.

Immediately afterwards, the helicopter buzzed and took off.

Helicopters fly much faster than cars.

Ten minutes later, I heard it by the beach.

The sound of the roaring sea sounds particularly beautiful in the night, like a natural movement played by God.

"Come down."

She jumped out of the plane.

Li Beijue immediately took her hand and led her towards the brightly lit place...

Countless small star-shaped lights dot the beach, as if all the stars in the sky have fallen here, so beautiful.

In addition to the stars, there are also pink champagne roses blooming staggered next to the star lights. The charming fragrance of flowers accompanied by the sound of crashing waves made Chi Enen feel like Alice in Wonderland——

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