Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1629 He compliments you on your beauty

He said the wind is the rain.

One minute he said he was going to the night market, and the next minute he had already dragged her out the door.

Ryukyu's night market is no different from Chi Enen's last visit. It's still a bustling street full of local vendors.

Many tourists were laughing and chatting with their friends while browsing the small vendors, choosing trinkets with local style.

There were also some people sitting on the simple tables and chairs beside the beach eating local snacks while laughing and playing.

It was a lively scene.

Indeed, this street is not the most beautiful street in Ryukyu.

Although Ryukyu is an island, it is a famous resort after all. It still has dedicated shopping streets, various luxury stores and restaurants.

But most tourists still like to come to this night market to taste the most original and authentic taste.

The most important thing is - cheap and affordable!

After all, not everyone is called Li Beijue, most of them are ordinary people.

When Li Beijue first saw the chaotic and lively night market, he frowned and pursed his rosy thin lips a little, "Is this here?"

"Yes, this is where we first visited."

Chi Enen already knew from Huo Yi what he was going to do when he came out.

He doesn't like places with too many people!

Especially in such a crowded place!

Li Beijue suppressed the dislike in his heart, squeezed her hand tightly, and walked inside as if he had made up his mind, "Let's go, lead the way."

Chi Enen knew his character and that he didn't like crowded and lively places. But seeing that he was suppressing his dislike and not saying anything, and accompanying her inside, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise. Leading him inside, "I remember that time, you walked with me to a small stall, and I looked for it."

At that time, she wanted to bring a travel gift to An Xin, so she visited a small vendor in the night market. He even had his ring snatched away by a woman.

But in the end, Li Beijue suddenly appeared, shocking the couple, and helped her snatch the ring back.

"Let me see where it is..."

She had only been here once and could not remember which stall she was at.

She searched around but couldn't remember it, so she randomly found a store that looked similar and said, "It should be here. I bought a men's ring here."

"Is it the one I wore before?" Li Beijue raised his eyebrows, as if he was a little interested, "Did you buy the one you gave me here?"

"Well..." You snatched it, not her as a gift!

She didn't tell the truth and searched the stall carefully.

Speaking of which, she always brings gifts to An Xin every time she goes out. Now that I have some time, I can look for anything interesting.

She picked around and found a unique small pearl brooch and asked, "Boss, how much does this cost?"

The boss looked at what she was holding, smiled and babbled a lot, but Chi Enen didn't understand a word she said.

"I'll do it." Li Beijue snatched the brooch from her hand and communicated with the boss in a standard pronunciation.

Quickly, he took out a piece of money and handed it over.

After the boss collected the money, he said something. The boss glanced at Chi Enen with a smile. Then he gave Chi Enen a thumbs up and said something.

She didn't even understand. The man next to her had already put his arms around her shoulders happily and said, "He was speaking in local Li dialect, and he complimented you on how beautiful you are."

"It's inexplicable why he praises me?"

"Because he has good eyesight!"

Of course it was because he didn't ask the vendor for change and said it was a tip from Chi Enen.

The hawker praised Chi Enen's beauty very discerningly. The most important thing is that the hawker said that his girlfriend is very beautiful!

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