Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1636 Chi Baobao is very guilty

Chi Enen took a deep breath and told the emergency doctor about Nono's condition.

The emergency doctor's brows furrowed more and more, and he stood up restlessly, "I'm afraid I can't handle this. I'll help you contact the people in the hematology department right away."

"I've already contacted her. You just need to give her a coagulant injection for me first." Chi Enen interrupted him.

Before using coagulants, doctors need to make an application and then record the use.

The doctor looked at the little girl whose eyes were red from crying, then looked at her knees, gritted his teeth and said, "Wait for me, I'll get it."

He quickly took it over and gave Nono an injection.

Nuonuo behaved very well. Although her eyes were red from crying, she did not cry during the injection. She cooperated with the doctor obediently and raised her chubby arms. He buried his face in Chi Enen's arms, tired of crying and scared.

"Be good, it won't hurt. Uncle will be gentler." This was the first time the doctor saw such a well-behaved child. He comforted her and started to push the needle.

The coagulant injection is the same as penicillin and is extremely painful.

When the doctor started pushing, Nuonuo, who had her head buried in Chi Enen's arms, started to cry.

Chi Enen gently patted her back and said coaxingly, "Don't cry, don't cry, it will be fine soon. If Nono doesn't cry, don't move around. Otherwise, the doctor's uncle will puncture the blood vessel, and Nono will." It hurts more. Just bear with it and it will be better soon. Mommy will give you a lollipop later, okay?"

"Okay." As she spoke, the doctor had already finished administering the medicine.

I pulled out the needle, applied some topical medicine to her needle site, and blocked it with a cotton swab.

Chi Baobao has been watching from the side without saying a word.

Guilt and discomfort were written all over her delicate and beautiful little face.

Especially when he saw the little girl crying non-stop and the shocking wounds on her knees, he felt particularly uncomfortable, and his heart was in pain.

Even when the little girl was getting an injection, he didn't lean over to coax her like before.

He lowered his head weakly, hiding the guilt and discomfort in his eyes.

It's all his fault.

If he hadn't been so self-righteous, this wouldn't have happened.

He shouldn't have hidden Haas and secretly brought Nono out alone to find Chi Enen. What's more, after bringing Nono out, he shouldn't have taken good care of her and let her get lost and fall down and get injured.

And that time...

At that time, if his woman hadn't spotted Nono with her keen eyes, she would have rushed to protect Nono in time, plus Lao Wang next door. Nono might have been kicked away by the man.

Nono is only two years old and in poor health.

If he was really kicked hard by an adult man, he couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

While Chi Baobao felt guilty, he felt happy at the same time.


Fortunately, Lao Wang next door arrived in time, and his woman, Nuonuo, protected her in time. Otherwise, he will never be able to forgive himself in this life.

Although he can't forgive himself now...

It was the first time that Chi Baobao felt so uncomfortable. He clenched his fists at his side and his nose was sore, but he was too stubborn to cry.

He gritted his teeth and endured the discomfort!

The hospital experts came quickly.

The nurse immediately took Nono to the operating room.

Then a group of people checked Noonuo and said, "Her situation is more complicated. This wound is nothing to ordinary people, but it may be a bit...dangerous to her. But she is too young, and we We don’t dare to take strong treatment measures, so let’s discuss it first, and during this process, please cooperate with us to draw some blood and transfuse it into the child.”

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