Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1650 Not Lu Zhiang's Girlfriend

With this mole, hat and sunglasses, it is indeed difficult to recognize her.

No wonder she survived the journey without any risk.

Lin Anxin silently stretched out her hand to press the fake mole on her nose tightly so that it would not fall off and be recognized by others.

It's okay she was recognized.

If Lu Zhiang is recognized by someone, post it on the Internet. Whether Shanni will kill her is not certain, but Lu Zhiang's female fans will definitely kill her!

At that time, the whole Internet will definitely release her black material.

Emma, ​​it hurts to think about it.

So why did she agree to come out with Lu Zhiang because of Lu Zhiang's words at the beginning!

The more Lin Anxin thought about it, the more depressed she dried her hands.

Lu Zhiang was waiting outside the bathroom.

Although he made a disguise, he is now the most popular top traffic idol. Even if he has a disguise on his face, his height and temperament cannot be done.

Standing at the door still attracts girls' attention.

But he was very indifferent to everything, as if he couldn't see the enthusiastic gaze the girl gave him, and kept staring at the door of the women's bathroom.

Until Lin Anxin appeared, although he still had a cold face, it just gave people the illusion of melting ice and snow.

It's like a thousand-year-old iceberg that just melted.

"Let's go." In a blink of an eye, he had already walked to Lin Anxin's side, and said, "Take you to the last place."


"Where to eat and play."

Lin Anxin didn't even want to go, but she wasn't the kind of person who regretted halfway.

Since she promised Lu Zhiang to stay together until five o'clock in the afternoon, she will stay until five o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Zhiang took her out of the movie theater and walked to the street.

Lin Anxin thought that they were going to take the subway, but just as she was about to go to the subway, someone grabbed her by the wrist.

"This way."


"I called someone to pick me up."

He let go of his hand to lead the way, but Lin Anxin felt more and more stressed, and rubbed the wrist that he held just now.

On the way, Lu Zhiang answered the phone and brought her to the side of the road in a short while.

The people on the side of the road also held a phone, and when they saw them, they immediately raised the phone in their hands and waved to them.


Lu Zhiang walked over, the man immediately gave him a man's hug, let go, and beat his chest with his hand with a smile on his face.

"Good boy, I thought you wouldn't see you again when you came to Country W this time."

Next to the bearded man dressed in hip hop, there is a hot, long and beautiful beauty. Lin Anxin keenly noticed that the beauty glanced at her first, and then turned her head to talk to Lu Zhiang with a smile, "It's almost time, let's go, I'm so hungry."

"En." Lu Zhiang didn't forget Lin Anxin beside him, and took the initiative to help her open the rear car door and said, "Nick and Anna are my good friends who have been playing together for a long time, don't worry, they are easy to get along with and don't talk nonsense. .”

Lin Anxin frowned.

Knowing that Lu Zhiang was explaining to her, she was worried that these two people would randomly take photos and break the news because of their celebrity status.

"I see." Lin Anxin wasn't worried whether these two people would break the news to the paparazzi. She is mainly not familiar with Lu Zhiang, let alone a friend of Lu Zhiang?

Being brought to meet friends by him so suddenly made her a little uncomfortable.

After all, she is not Lu Zhiang's girlfriend.

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