Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1664 Do you not want to get married or do you want to marry Miss Lin?

"Are you crazy?" Mrs. Si opened her eyes wide, full of shock and disbelief, "I don't mean that you have to be distracted when I ask you to get married. You don't have to be distracted, but you should at least have a formal marriage. family."

"What's the point? Anyway, it's all about not being distracted. I don't want a family and I don't have to worry about it outside. Why should I get married and find someone to take care of me?" Si Chen retorted calmly, "I think I'm living a pretty good life now. OK."

"It's entertainment news every day, you're having a great time!" Mrs. Si looked at him with an expression of hatred.

If it weren't for the education she received and her upbringing that didn't allow her to take action, she would have slapped the table and knocked on the bench and roared.

Si Chen didn't seem to notice her livid face. He put down his water glass and sat down leisurely in front of the sofa. He didn't care, "I don't know how to read the news. How they write it has nothing to do with me."

It doesn't matter, it just doesn't affect his life.

Mrs. Si had a splitting headache for the first time.

She has always been satisfied with her son.

Except for being a little ridiculous in his personal life, everything else is fine. She didn't care about his personal life before, because Si Chen was only in his early twenties at that time.

Men love to play.

What's more, for young, rich and status men, even if they don't want to play, a lot of women will pounce on them.

So her mentality all along was to turn a blind eye and wait until he got tired of playing.

When you get tired of playing, you will stop playing, and you will choose the right person to get married.

But later on, he suddenly gave up. During that time, there were no scandals about him on the Internet or in gossip newspapers.

She was surprised for a while, thinking that he had grown up, was tired of playing, and was going to stop playing.


He is relieved.

But it was collected on a female star!

With their family's net worth, how could she possibly let him marry a female celebrity? Not to mention that the entertainment industry is too deep, she simply does not believe that there are clean female stars. It was impossible for her to agree just because of the difference in status between the two of them.

So later she arranged a blind date for Si Chen and began to discuss his personal issues.

However, her son, who had always been more obedient in this regard, did not give her face and directly let go of her favorite blind date partner.

She got angry and took the other person to the set of the female star, and slapped the female star directly.

Make your attitude clear.

She thought it would take some effort to separate the two of them, but she didn't expect that the two of them broke up quickly.

After the breakup, Si Chen turned out to be like before, appearing in gossip tabloids every day. This time it’s even more exaggerated than before. Before, it was once in three days, but now it’s almost three times a day! She couldn't help but came to the door, and got this answer.

Don’t want to get married…

He is the heir to the Si family. As the heir to a large group, marriage means maturity. If he doesn't get married, it means that he is not qualified to officially take over the Si family.

He has never married, and if he continues to live like this, sooner or later he will be replaced by that person's... son.

Mrs. Si had been strong all her life, but now she was so blocked that her brain exploded. The expression on her well-maintained face changed. After a long time, she narrowed her eyes and asked the man on the sofa, "Do you not want to get married, or do you want to marry that female star?"

She is definitely not the kind of lady who only puts on facial masks and does nails at home. She is also a strong woman in the mall.

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