Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1674 It’s time to look at me after reading this!

In the super luxurious VIP ward, the fair and tender little girl was lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

I don't know if it was because she fell asleep, but her complexion looked good, white and rosy. The little mouth can be smashed, and it is not delicate at all. There was no trace of the fact that she was bleeding profusely before and was almost life-threatening.

The little girl's left knee was wrapped with gauze. The wound was not large and did not look scary.

Huo Yi was covering her with quilt when he saw Chi Enen come in.

After covering the sleeping little girl with a quilt, he said softly and respectfully, "Miss Chi."

Then he glanced at the man next to Chi Enen, and his attitude became more respectful, "Sire."

"how's it going?"

There was a gentle look on Huo Yi's lips, and his voice was lowered. He was afraid of waking up the little guy sleeping on the bed, and said, "Miss Nuonuo is fine. She was very good and didn't cry after she came out. After a few coaxings, Then I fell asleep, and I just fell asleep not long ago. It will probably take a while before I wake up. I will stay here and wait for the little lady to wake up. "

"Excuse me, Butler Huo." Chi Enen touched the little girl's forehead. After making sure the temperature was normal, she stepped away and said to Huo Yi, "By the way, Butler Huo. My uncle will ask the person who takes care of Nono to wait. When he comes, he should bring porridge to see Nono."

"Ms. Chi, did you say Mr. Haas? Mr. Haas just called me."

"... Hass got your phone number?"

Li Beijue really felt that she had asked a stupid question, so he turned her head away and said, "The Li family has business dealings with the Habsden family. Of course Huo Yi has Haas's phone number."

Even if there is no interaction in the mall, just because of his relationship with Chi Enen, the two will still be in contact!

Otherwise, how can Quan Dongting feel relieved?

"Have you finished reading?" Li Beijue suddenly skipped the topic and asked.

Chi Enen was already sure that Nono was fine, and nodded, "Yeah."

The next second someone grabbed her wrist again and pulled her out, "It's time to look at me after reading this."

This woman never looked at him or cared about him from beginning to end.

He has been patient for a long time.

Chi Enen was forcefully pulled out of the hospital by him.

He walked very fast with his long legs, and Chi Enen almost ran after him. After a while, he was out of breath and said, "Li Beijue, walk slower."

"I walk very slowly!"


The fast-moving man showed no intention of slowing down and kept walking at a fast pace.

Chi Enen was sweating so much that he was chasing her. He suddenly stopped again, turned around, and stared at her with his thin lips pursed tightly, as if he wanted to stare holes in her.

That look makes me unhappy no matter how I look at it!

It wasn't the first day Chi Enen met him, so it would be strange to know what he was upset about. She sighed sadly. Before he attacked, he stood up on tiptoes, held his face, kissed him, and then pulled away, his eyebrows curved, "Li Beijue, I'm lucky to have you today. Thank you. Let's go to dinner. I know the family is very happy." Nice restaurant.”

After saying that, regardless of his stiff back, he hailed a taxi on the side of the road.

The taxi stopped immediately.

Chi Enen opened the door and was about to get in the car.

Suddenly, the person was pulled back violently and pressed into a searing kiss.

The kiss came unexpectedly.

The soft touch on his lips was like an electric shock, tingling.

Chi Enen quickly opened his eyes and realized what he was doing.

What is he doing? This is the main road!

She put her hand on the man's hard chest.

But Li Beijue didn't give her a chance at all. He clasped the back of her head with one hand and deepened the kiss——

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