Damn it, what is she hiding from!

He won't eat her!

Li Beijue was dissatisfied with her avoidance and forcefully pulled her back. He was so strong that he almost pulled Chi Enen into his arms.

The distance between them was only a few centimeters, and someone was finally satisfied. He lowered his head, threaded his fingers through her hair again, and said, "It's okay, this hairstyle suits you very well. I'll take you to make it this lazy curl some other time."

Her hair was originally black, long and thick, draped so casually on her shoulders, it was as beautiful as seaweed.

She has fair skin, puts on a misty blue dress, and has those beautiful bright eyes, like a mermaid in a fairy tale.

It's so beautiful that you can't take your eyes away.

Sure enough, the woman he fell in love with was the most beautiful! Even if you just tidy it up casually, it will still look better than those snake faces that are heavily made up and dressed up like crazy!

And it’s the kind of good-looking that makes people feel comfortable!

Li Beijue raised his rosy thin lips and touched her neck happily.

There was a slight callus on the inside of his thumb due to the scooping gun, and when it touched the skin, a rough electric current arose.

Chi Enen subconsciously dodged when he touched her.

A man's low-pitched voice came from above his head, "Don't move!"

"There's something missing here."

"..." Um, what's missing?

Soon, she knew what Li Beijue was going to do. He took off a necklace from his neck, put his hands around her neck, lowered his head and helped her put it on. Then he looked at her with satisfaction and said with dazzling eagle eyes, "Sure enough, one star is missing."

When Chi Enen saw the necklace he put on her, she naturally saw what kind of necklace Li Beijue put on her - it was the star necklace that she gave him back when she took him to the rooftop to watch the stars before!

That necklace was originally given to her by Li Beijue, but she later gave it back to him when she took him to the mountains to watch the meteor shower in order to restore his memory.

Unexpectedly, Li Beijue kept wearing it!

Chi Enen held the pendant on the silver chain.

Just looking at the pendant, few people would recognize that the seemingly ordinary pendant is a real star meteorite. It looks like an ordinary necklace pendant. No one can tell that this ordinary-looking necklace is worth over 100 million.

Li Beijue bought this for her.

The reason is just because he promised her to pick the stars from the sky and give them to her.

Chi Enen's heart was pounding, and her eyes became gentle. She raised the pendant, raised her head and couldn't help but ask, "Li Beijue, why are you wearing this...?"

She knows better than anyone who he is.

Li Beijue was most afraid of trouble and hated effeminate things in his mother. In his opinion, a man wearing jewelry is a effeminate behavior.

She never knew that he would wear this.

"I'm happy to!" He said in a bad tone, as if he didn't want to say anything. Overbearingly, he helped Chi Enen stuff the pendant into his clothes, "Okay, it's almost time to set off. The driver is waiting outside."

The meteorite pendant was attached to his heart, and Chi Enen was led out of the door by his hand.

Before getting in the car, the man who entered first left a whisper in her ear, "Chi Enen, I told you, I will remember it by the end of this month at the latest."

"Uh..." What! Inexplicable.

Chi Enen didn't know what was going on. When he went to see him again, he returned to his normal appearance, making people completely confused as to what he meant by his sudden words.

Chi Enen didn't understand it so he stopped thinking about it. Anyway, only a few people could understand Li Beijue's logical thinking. She followed and got into the car.

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