Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1690 Can’t you admit that you care about him and treat him well?

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There were waves of dizziness in her temples. Li Beijue did not let go of her hand, but closed his eyes briefly, his heroic brows tightened. Her voice was hoarse and sexy, "How long have I been sleeping?"

"Not long."

After the brief dizziness passed, he opened his eyes again. His dark eagle eyes were as deep as a whirlpool, trying to suck her in, "Your arms will be numb after a short sleep!"

Clearly didn't believe what she said.

Chi Enen, "I really didn't sleep for long, an hour and a half at most. My arms are numb because I feel uncomfortable staying in this position."

Li Beijue's erect nose and sexy thin lips formed a perfect parabola, dangerously low-alcohol, "Why don't you wake me up if you feel uncomfortable?"

"You finally got some sleep. I'm not particularly uncomfortable. There's no need to wake you up."

"Then you were still moving around just now, so you quietly pulled my hand."

This woman will die if she doesn't lie.

He will die if he admits that he feels sorry for him!

Is she stupid or has low emotional intelligence?

If it were other women, in this situation, they would have climbed up the pole and told him how much they liked him and how much they cared about him.

Chi Enen really didn't expect to go there. She just said what she said without any intention of adding any fuel to the fire. "Because it wasn't uncomfortable at first, but it became uncomfortable after sitting for a long time. I want to try to see if I can sit there without waking me up," she said. In your case, don’t take your hand out..."

"No!" Li Beijue interrupted her directly.

Because even if he fell asleep, he could still feel whether she was around or not.

If she tried to escape, he would wake up immediately.

Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for Chi Enen to withdraw his hand without alarming him.

His eagle eyes were dim, staring at her for a moment, and said hoarsely, "Then if you can't pull it out, will you wake me up?"

Chi Enen was stunned for a moment when asked, "What if?"

She said honestly, "I don't know either. Maybe it will scream, maybe it won't."

Li Beijue really wanted to strangle her to death.

His handsome face darkened.

Then he took a deep breath, grabbed her hand and said domineeringly, "Next time, remember, the standard answer to this question is no. Next time I ask you the same question, just answer that I don't. Don't talk so much nonsense." .”

"I'm telling the truth."

"I don't want to hear the truth."

He just wants to hear her lie, can't he?

Chi Enen had never seen such a childish and domineering person before, and she was choked with words.

Suddenly, the man holding her hand let go, and a comfortable massage felt on her shoulders. The muscles that were stiff as stone were squeezed so comfortably that even the tight nerves in her arms relaxed...

Chi Enen looked at the man in astonishment who was helping her rub her arms without saying a word. The car lights shone on his features, and he looked handsome and noble.

His movements were not standard at all, even jerky, but Chi Enen could feel that he was trying to control his strength and try his best to relax the muscles in her arms.

"Are you feeling better?"

This was Li Beijue's first time giving a massage.

In the past, he had only had people give him massages, and no one had the qualifications and ability to ask him to provide services.

So he could only pinch Chi Enen's shoulders based on his feeling.

Be as gentle as possible so as not to crush her.

"Tell me if it's serious." His tone was harsh, but the movements of his hands were very gentle. No woman with such gentleness could resist Li Beijue like this.

But even when he was massaging her, his right hand still firmly grasped Chi Enen's left hand and did not let go. He would rather use one hand to press it for her.

Chi Enen didn't know how to describe his domineering and possessive behavior.

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