Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1708 In fact, he has been restraining himself

"You know?" Chi Enen raised his head, not sure whether he knew that she didn't mean it or that he knew she was there.

Xize Lie didn't answer her, but suddenly grabbed her hand, pushed her down on the sofa, pursed his thin lips, and silently took out the contents of the bag he just gave to Chi Enen.

It actually contains ointment.

Chi Enen was startled.

Watching him silently but forcefully pull her left hand, his eyes focused on her bruised wrist that was pinched by Li Beijue out of control.

"Does it hurt?"

Chi Enen always felt that this gesture was too ambiguous, and Xize Lie's question also felt too ambiguous. She subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand, but said awkwardly, "...It's nothing, it doesn't hurt. Li Beijue didn't really squeeze it hard, he just lost control of his emotions."

Li Beijue did not really pinch her hard, otherwise her wrist would not just be bruised, but the bones would be damaged.

As for how scary her wrists looked, Chi Enen knew that this had nothing to do with how hard Li Beijue used it.

It's because her skin is so stingy that it will leave marks with just a little force.

So her wrist only looked shocking, but was not actually injured.

Anyway, the man who ran away from home hadn't hurt his hand so badly with the punch he punched the wall before he left.

A hint of displeasure flashed through Xize Lie's peach blossom eyes quickly, he pursed his thin lips, and without saying a word, he tightened his grip on her hand to prevent her from moving, and said gently, "Don't move, I'll help you apply the medicine."

Although his voice and expression are gentle, there is a kind of magic that is irresistible.

Chi Enen frowned, unable to pull his hand out, and too embarrassed to force it out.

I can only ask him to help apply medicine.

But she was so absent-minded that she didn't even notice when Xize Lie finished wiping it for her.

After applying the ointment for her, Xize Lie put the ointment into his pocket and said, "I asked the orthopedic surgeon that this ointment is very effective in treating bruises. Although the smell is a bit unpleasant, I insist on applying it once in the morning and evening, two or three times. The bruises on your wrists will go away."

Chi Enen took the bag, still looking absent-minded, and reluctantly said, "Thank you."

Xize Lie was not blind, he could see that she was not in the mood to talk to him now. He stood up and said, "Well, you don't look too good. Let's take a rest. I have something else to do and I'll go back to the hospital first."

He paused and then added, "It's okay if you rest first and then go to the hospital. I'll have someone keep an eye on Nono and the others. Don't force yourself to go through, otherwise they will be worried if they see it."

Nuonuo is still young and may not be able to see anything.

But Chi Baobao is not young and smart. If Chi Enen went there now, he would definitely be able to see something.

With Chi Baobao's mobility, something might happen.

Chi Enen thought so too, nodded and said, "Okay."

Then he stood up and said, "I'll give it to you."

Nishizawa looked at her face patiently, and there seemed to be some emotions that she couldn't understand flowing in her peach eyes. He didn't speak, but first looked down at the shocking scars on her wrists. When he looked over again, there was already more determination in his eyes. Xize Lie quietly clenched his fists and said silently, "No, my driver is waiting for me outside."

"After you have rested, I have something to tell you. You should rest first."

"What words?"

"You should rest first and wait until you feel better."

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