Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1741 Report on Chi Enen’s schedule today

The sound of even breathing came from beside him. Chi Enen slowly relaxed and his voice became softer.

When she stopped and the people around her showed no signs of waking up, she was completely relieved.

After putting the book away gently, he turned off the light.

He pulled up the quilt and closed his eyes.

She has been away during this period, and many of the company's projects have been delayed due to her absence. Now that she and Li Beijue have broken up, there is no longer the problem of helping him regain his memory.

It was almost time for her to take Chi Baobao and the others back to Country W.

After returning home, she first completed the resignation procedures. Then tell the old man about her and Li Beijue's situation, and try to persuade the old man to agree to leave Nuonuo and Chi Baobao to her.

After finishing, she took Baobao and Nuonuo back to Lin City. Help Nono find a kindergarten and Chi Baobao. It’s almost time to study with children of the same age.

She knew that he was very smart and he didn't need to learn the things taught in elementary school. But she still hopes that Chi Baobao will spend more time with children of the same age and play and communicate more together. Lest his character in the future be the same as Li Beijue's and unable to blend in with the crowd.

While she was sleeping, she was thinking about her arrangements, and slowly fell asleep...


In the corner of the balcony, Huo Yi was secretly calling the person opposite to report Chi Enen's schedule today.

"Miss Chi first took the young master and the young lady to the water amusement park. After they were tired, she took the young lady and the others to go shopping. Miss Chi bought a set of parent-child clothes for the young master and the young lady, and then ate together We had dinner at the restaurant. Because the young lady was clamoring for French fries, Miss Chi ordered a Western restaurant.”

"Miss Chi didn't eat much. The young master and the young lady have good appetites. The young lady has been having a lot of fun these two days, and the wound on her knee has begun to scab. The doctor has seen the blood on the wound after a few days. The scabs will fall off..." He rambled on and reported all the trivial matters that happened during the day, focusing on what Chi Enen did.

However, Chi Enen has been playing with Chi Baobao and Nuonuo for the past two days, so there is nothing much to say. Huo Yi reported everything he remembered, but he couldn't find anything to say, so he stopped with his mouth dry.

"Sir, this is what Miss Chi did today."

He really couldn't understand what Sir Alex was thinking. He obviously regretted it and didn't want to break up, but he couldn't save his face and refused to take the initiative to contact Miss Chi.

But I have to know what Miss Chi is doing every day...

He really didn't know how to describe this behavior. Anyway, he was paranoid and possessive.

Fortunately, Miss Chi didn't know. She didn't know what would happen if she knew.

However, Miss Chi has a good temper. Even if she knew about it, she would probably just say "oh" and not argue with Sir Alex.

He was in a dilemma, caught in the middle, like a sandwich biscuit.

There was no word there. Huo Yi waited for a while and couldn't help but call out, "Sir?"

"She bought parent-child clothes? What kind of parent-child clothes?"

"..." What does it look like?

Huo Yi was stunned by the question.

He didn't pay much attention to this.

He tried hard to recall and said uncertainly, "It seems to be British-style parent-child clothing, from MIuMIU. The young master is wearing a small suit, the young lady is wearing a plaid skirt, and Miss Chi is wearing a skirt. The colors of the three sets are very close. "

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