Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1745 I can’t imagine him having a new girlfriend

Lin Anxin also realized that she had said the wrong thing, and she did not resist being pressed by Shanni for the first time.

Chi Enen forced a smile and said, not wanting them to worry, "No, An Xin told the truth. I know it well."

"Well, please ignore me... I'm just talking nonsense... Mr. Li likes you so much, so he definitely won't want another woman. Just treat me as a P and let me go..." Lin Anxin was extremely upset. I regretted the quickest thing I said just now and tried my best to redeem myself.

But the effect is not as good as not redeeming it.

Shanni quietly twisted the flesh on her waist again to shut her up.

She had a headache and didn't know how to smooth things over, "Yeah, that's not the case. Don't listen to her nonsense."

Chi Enen felt warm in her heart as she looked at the two nervous people in front of her. Although her heart was still aching, she took a deep breath and shrugged her shoulders pretending to be relaxed. Comforting the two of them, "An. You don't want to be like this, making me feel like I have been severely abandoned. I know what you are saying. A breakup is a breakup, and we are not married. Even if we are married, divorce I can’t control whether the other party wants to find a new girlfriend or not. I won’t hold on to this and torture myself.”

Li Beijue will have a new girlfriend.

There will be another girl by his side, and he will take another person to the top of the mountain to watch the meteor shower, catch salmon from the sea and cook it for the other person to eat...

Just thinking of this scene made Chi Enen feel suffocated. His heart felt like he was suffering from a terminal illness and he was about to be unable to breathe.

She tried her best to throw all the imaginary scenes out of her head and changed the topic, "By the way, An Xin. I met Ms. Prada, the director of panda, in Ryukyu and introduced you to her. She will fly to Lin City recently. Before she flies over, let me go back to Lin City with you. I made an appointment with her to have dinner with you. She seems to have a new series in hand and is looking for a spokesperson. She said she wants to meet you first to see if it's a good fit. Make a decision.”

"Besides her, there is another lady. She has recently invested in an international blockbuster and is looking for an actress. She will also come with Prada and they should have dinner together."

Before Lin Anxin could realize who Prada was, Shani could not hide her excitement, "Prada? Well, is it really Prada?"

Chi Enen nodded.

Lin Anxin asked belatedly, "Who is it?"

Shanni really wanted to scold her, but she was in a good mood now, so good that she could explode. So he explained to her in a good-tempered manner, "The director of a top-tier luxury brand is in charge of the entire brand's operations. He is called the Devil of Fashion in the international circle. If you can get the endorsement from her, you will She became the first Asian spokesperson. Her entire net worth has skyrocketed. She is going to hold a show in Lin City this time, and many top female celebrities are now looking for connections to get admission tickets. If you perform well then, even if you can't get the endorsement, you can still get a ticket."

"What do you mean if you can't get an endorsement, why don't you get a ticket?" Lin Anxin was dissatisfied that she looked down on him so much.

Shanni rolled her eyes at her and stabbed her mercilessly, "Because I know your true nature. You are just a nerd wearing the appearance of a female star!"

Lin Anxin, "..."

After chatting for a few words, Lin Anxin was dragged away by Shan Ni for reasons.

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