Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1762 This news is everywhere

A nanny car parked on the side of the road, just in time to see the picture scrolling on the big screen in the mall. The beautiful face of the woman sitting in the back seat of the car became distorted with jealousy. She snorted and said jealously, "It's Li Beijue and Xize Lie. Humph, he's obviously not good-looking, but it's not because of her." It’s the Habsden lady that has so many people chasing her.”

The driver who moonlighted as her temporary manager retorted silently in his mind. When Mr. Li was pursuing someone else, Chi Enen was not the eldest daughter of the Habsden family, but just an illegitimate daughter in Lin City.

Lin Nai also knew it, but she just couldn't control the jealousy in her heart. There were blazing flames in her eyes, wishing that the person on the big screen was herself.

If she was pursued by an extraordinary diamond man, how could she end up where she is today.

She frowned in disgust and complained, "It's so hot. Is there no air conditioning in the car?"

"...Sister Nana, it's not like you don't know that we are renting the cheapest RV. This old model does not have on-board air conditioning. It only has engine air conditioning after it is started."

Linnai stiffened.

The fingers holding the script tightened.

She had forgotten that she was no longer one of the most favored artists in the company. She is now isolated from the whole company and deliberately kept in cold storage by the company. Those financial backers who used to talk about her sweetness seemed to have completely changed after they heard that Li Beijue had spoken to her and put her in cold storage. They put on their pants and refused to recognize anyone.

The driver was still complaining nonstop, "Sister Nana, you must win the role in the script today. If you don't start working, I won't even be able to rent the cheapest RV with the little money you gave me. Here we are. At that time, you will have no choice but to sit with me and go to the set for interviews..."

Nowadays, even 18th-tier newcomers rarely go to the set for interviews in a Land Rover or smaller car. If she really took the public to the set, she would definitely be laughed to death.

Lin Nai gritted his teeth, glared at him angrily, raised his chin slightly, and said, "What are you afraid of! I have already got the ticket for the Panda show, and I got it from Prada. I will give it to you in two days." People post the press release online, and with this popularity, I will definitely become popular again!”

She raised her head and glanced at the scrolling reports on the big screen again. She gritted her teeth in envy and stared at Chi Enen on the screen. Without looking back, he asked the driver, "Have you made an appointment with the plastic surgeon I asked you to make an appointment with?"

"The appointment is here. He's free at six p.m."

"Okay, hurry up and drive. I have to finish the interview before six o'clock in the afternoon and rush there. Remember not to run around later, just wait for me outside the set. As soon as I come out, we will go over there."

"...I have to pick up other artists in the afternoon. This is not good, Sister Nana."

Lin Nai said arrogantly, "I'll give you an extra five hundred dollars, and you can find a friend to pick up the others! Can those newbies still be able to compete with me?"

The driver curled his lips in disgust at the person in the rearview mirror.

Five hundred dollars.

He really opened his mouth.

Nowadays, which big star only pays 500 yuan for overtime pay, and sends it to the beggars on the roadside.

She looks like this and is addicted to plastic surgery. It seems that she will never become famous in this life!

never mind.

If he had to endure it for a few more days until the show was over next week, if she didn't improve again, he wouldn't be too lazy to serve her! Replace people early and show off early!

The car restarted and drove towards a certain set...

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