Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1776 He is learning to care about others

On the other side.

The extended Lincoln has arrived at the entrance of Lanyuan, Linshi Hospital.

Because Mr. Li lives in Lanyuan, the security facilities of Lanyuan are now comparable to those of the White House. Various bodyguards check the identities of vehicles passing by.

Li Beijue just rolled down the window, and the person in charge of the inspection immediately let him go.

The car slid to Building A of Lanyuan.

After the driver parked the car, he got out quickly and opened the door for him, "Sir, we are here, please get out."

The man in the car exuded a cold aura of "no strangers allowed in", and got out of the car with long legs.

Huo Yi's car was behind, and he also got out of the car and followed closely behind him.

"Hello, Sir."

"Hello, Sir."

"Hello, Sir."

Along the way, bodyguards kept greeting respectfully, and the man surrounded like an emperor entered the inpatient department with a cold and arrogant look.

Mr. Li lives in the presidential ward on the 6th floor.

Li Beijue took the elevator to the 6th floor and walked quickly to the door of the ward.

The old butler was wearing a tuxedo. When he saw him coming, he had a kind smile on his pale face and greeted him gently, "Young Master, you are here. The old master is waiting for you inside. You can just go in."

"Yes." Li Beijue responded, one hand had already touched the door handle, and suddenly paused, turned his head and looked at the old butler beside him. Unexpectedly, he said, "How is your body recovering? Do you feel uncomfortable? If so, let the doctor check you."

The old butler was flattered. He didn't expect him to ask him this, and hurriedly said, "No, my body has recovered very well. Thank you for your concern, young master."

Li Beijue's tightly pursed lips relaxed a little, as if he was not used to doing this kind of thing. He frowned and said unnaturally, "Don't delay if you feel uncomfortable. There are many people around the old man to take care of him. You should take care of your body first before you can take care of him. The old man will not blame you for delaying for a few days."

It was obviously a caring word, but it came from his innermost heart, giving people a hard and overbearing feeling.

The old housekeeper's eyes softened, and he said, "Master, don't worry. I didn't force myself. The old lord has asked the doctor to check me several times. The doctor said that my body has almost recovered, so I started working."

"I'm glad you're fine."

Li Beijue turned the doorknob and went in.

The presidential ward is similar to the presidential suite of the hotel. They are both suite-style rooms. The only difference is that there are not vases but various advanced medical instruments placed near the two-meter-long bed in the presidential ward.

There is only one person in the huge suite, wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown, fiddling with flowers and plants with his back to him.

Li Beijue has seen such a figure countless times, but this time, he clearly felt that the tough and unshakable figure in his memory was much thinner and older.

It's just that the aura has not changed, it's still so oppressive.

"Master, the young master is back." The old housekeeper said with a cautious look.

Old Master Li heard the sound of the door opening, but he didn't turn around. He had been patiently trimming the branches and leaves of the orchid pot. He put down the scissors, wiped his hands elegantly, and turned around.

His outline still vaguely showed the handsomeness of his youth, but as he got older, his eyes were more noticeable.

Vigorous, sharp, as if he could see through people's hearts!

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