When the noble man heard her suggestion, he didn't even move his eyebrows and refused without any warmth, "I'm not interested in you!"

Jin Zhiyuan's smile froze, with a look of helplessness on her face, and she said, "Today is my birthday after all. Why don't you be so direct? At least save some face for me. I am also a person who wants face."

She didn't hold on. Although she wanted to cooperate with this man a second time, she just didn't want to. She straightened her expression and became serious, "Forget it, let's get down to business. How does your old man plan to cooperate?"

When it came to business, Li Beijue was no longer impatient and started talking to her.

Half an hour later, they had basically finalized their cooperation. Li Beijue finished what he should do and had no patience to stay here any longer. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly seemed to remember something. He took out a small box from his body and stuffed it into the beautiful Jin Zhiyuan like rubbish. He said succinctly and clearly, "Birthday gift."

"Okay, I'm leaving. See you next week."

Next week Jin Zhiyuan will come to Li's headquarters to sign another contract.

His way of completing a task as if he were stuffing gifts was so special. This was the first time that Jin Zhiyuan received such an insincere gift. But she was content enough to have the always arrogant and cold-hearted Mr. Li Beijue give gifts. So I didn't care about someone's attitude towards giving gifts. I raised my lips happily and waved my hand, "Okay. It's almost time for me to prepare for the opening dance, so I won't send you out."

At a birthday party like this, as the protagonist, you have to do an opening dance with the male guest.

And this male guest is probably the future marriage partner.

But Kim Ji-won invited her own brother as an important male guest.

Li Beijue came and left quickly.

The vigorous and resolute person didn't give the other people at the party a chance to strike up a conversation.

After he left, Jin Zhiyuan opened the box Li Beijue thrust into her and picked up the drop-shaped sapphire inside. Sapphire is crystal clear and has a moist luster. It looks very expensive at first glance! However, the diamonds and agate inlaid on the side are too much. Jin Zhiyuan played with the gem in her hand and couldn't help but chuckle, "Sure enough, it's a gift that's casual enough for a straight man to have cancer."

But compared to the gifts given by those men who tried hard to please her but had their own evil intentions, this straight and casual sapphire was not pleasing to the eye.

Jin Zhiyuan put the gems back into the box, put them away, and went to prepare.

Li Beijue just walked away.

Lin Anxin's car drove to Jiangchen Yipin and happened to pass Li Beijue.

"Ms. Lin, we're here." The driver stopped the car a little outside and told her.


The person sitting in the back seat lifted his skirt uncomfortably and opened the door——

She has been on vacation recently and originally declined all invitations. But this is different from invitations to other events and banquets.

This time it was Kim Ji-won who personally sent the invitation letter to her.

Speaking of which, she still met Jin Zhiyuan through Si Chen, and later played with him several times, and their friendship was pretty good. It's just that she didn't expect that Jin Zhiyuan would give her an invitation to the Japanese banquet when she and Si Chen broke up.

Everyone had already sent it, but she was too embarrassed not to come.

She hadn't worn an evening dress for a long time, and she always felt that walking was not as convenient as wearing jeans.

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