Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1786 The backstage is busy and chaotic.

Annan was surrounded by several people and walked inside. As he walked, he said, "Isn't there Zhi'ang here? If we are late, let him go up first and delay the time. We agreed early in the morning that we would pick up An Xin. Sister. He stayed just in case."

"My darling, this is a concert for tens of thousands of people. My heart really can't bear the nonsense you guys are doing. Next time you want to do something, please say hello to me first. At least it will make me a little prepared so that it can be arranged easily. Let’s take some emergency measures.” The person in charge was more like their manager, and said with a sad look on his face.

After finishing speaking, he quickly urged others, "Quick, quick, quick, makeup artist, stylist, help them change their clothes quickly."

He also took time out of his busy schedule to pay special attention to Lin Anxin, "Ms. Lin, I'm sorry. Time is tight, so I'm really sorry to trouble you."

As he spoke, he arranged for people to crowd Lin Anxin in, "Miss Lin's clothes are very nice, so don't take out the ones we prepared before. It's too late to change. You guys should quickly help Miss Lin put on her makeup."

"not me……"

The man who looked like an agent was so busy that he didn't even notice her anxiety and resistance, and went to make other arrangements.

Lin Anxin was pushed backstage by several assistants and makeup artists, and sat down in front of the mirror.

The makeup artist also looked very anxious. Without any nonsense, he picked up the foundation and got busy and said, "Ms. Lin, let me help you put on makeup first. Please close your eyes."

"No, I don't know anything yet. Why put on makeup? You won't let me go on stage, right?" Why did she go up to their concert?

Smiling in front of tens of thousands of Lu Zhiang’s fans!

"Ms. Lin really loves to joke." The makeup artist laughed dryly and started applying eyebrow pencil without wasting time with her.

Lin Anxin shook her head, avoided her pen, and was about to speak.

The makeup artist winked at the assistant, and several assistants immediately came forward, half helping with the massage, half holding Lin Anxin down and advising, "Sister Anxin, please don't move around. Let's massage it for you."

The makeup artist wiped off the wrong place and followed suit, "Yes, Miss Lin. Time is tight, so we ask you to cooperate with our work. If we don't help you apply makeup within the stipulated time, we will be scolded again." ”

"But I..."

The makeup artist was the first to say, "Only the director and manager know the concert schedule, and neither do we. Otherwise, you can ask your managers after you finish your makeup later."

Lin Anxin has been in the entertainment industry for so long and knows that the hierarchy in the industry is very strict. Like a makeup artist, if something goes wrong on a major occasion. Not only will he be scolded, but his money will also be deducted. If not, your reputation will be ruined, and others in the circle will not cooperate.

Although she had a lot to say, she didn't want to embarrass them. He endured it and let them start work without moving.

"Hurry, hurry! The countdown is starting outside!"

"Where's the backup dancers! Are everyone here? Hurry up to the stage and get ready!"

"Where are Annan and the others? Stylist, hurry up!"

The backstage was busy, with managers and concert directors shouting at each other.

There were people coming and going in the huge backstage, and many people were so busy that they wanted to run away.

Lin Anxin was absent-mindedly cooperating with the makeup artist to put on makeup, while looking around, trying to find the person who brought her here.

But the people backstage were so chaotic.

Stage design, lighting, staff, backup dancers, accompaniment, backup singers... hundreds of people were busy inside. good

In this case, there is no way to find anyone.

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