Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1806 Keeping people following her

A man who looked like a secretary came in, put his hands in front of him, and bowed down to report respectfully, "Director, the Public Relations Department has taken over Miss Lin's emergency public relations, and has now greeted the mainstream media. The mainstream media will not deliberately follow up and report on Ms. Lin's statement. As for public opinion, we have held an emergency meeting and locked in a plan to guide public opinion. At that time, we will try our best to direct public opinion to Ms. Lin's true temperament. but……"


He paused, then said bravely, "But this time Miss Lin caused too much of a stir, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to guide public opinion. Even if the matter is suppressed, I'm afraid it will still have a certain impact on Miss Lin's career." Impact."

He admitted in public that he had a boyfriend and cooperated with the company's hype to deceive the public. After the hype, he was 'forced' to tell the truth because his boyfriend was jealous, and unilaterally broke up the cooperation and issued a statement.

As soon as Lin Anxin made this statement, among other things, Lu Zhiang's fans were the first to quit.

Weibo was filled with curses.

Now Lin Anxin's popularity among the people can be said to have dropped to rock bottom, and no amount of good public relations can save it. It can only be said that some people can be saved.

"Mr. Si, we will try our best to guide public opinion in favor of Miss Lin. However, Miss Lin is still not suitable for being too high-profile in the short term. We may need to wait for one or two good works to come out and use them for marketing."

After he finished speaking, he buried his head and did not dare to speak any more.

Si Chen was silent for a long time and then said, "I understand. Try your best to save it first. The media can do public relations for public relations. You can't buy it directly! I don't care what the Internet says, the mainstream media must keep it quiet!"

The Internet is a three-minute hot spot, and new news will automatically divert people’s attention.

He touched his thin lips and said, "Also, make arrangements to break some new news in a timely manner through the paparazzi's marketing account to divert the heat."

He looked at the people in the public relations department with sharp eyes and said, "Remember! I have to minimize the impact at all costs! Do you understand what I mean at all costs?"

The man reacted quickly. Mr. Si's words probably meant that the interests of all his artists could be sacrificed. As long as Miss Lin can be saved, it doesn't matter if others sacrifice. His heart skipped a beat, and he was thinking about any recent news that could be used to divert public attention, and said quickly, "I understand, Mr. Si."

"Also, if you let the word out, there is no need to block Lu Zhiang anymore. Let the previous advertiser talk to his agent again, just say what I said, and we can continue to cooperate."

The man didn't understand why he suddenly stopped banning Lu Zhiang, but he didn't dare to ask, "Yes, Mr. Si."

"How is she?" After Si Chen finished giving his instructions, he rubbed his temples with his hands and asked suddenly.

"Did Mr. Si ask Miss Lin?" The man said with great discernment, "Ms. Lin sat at the bus stop outside the company for a while and then took a taxi back to the hotel. Our people are still following Miss Lin."

Si Chen hummed in a low voice, "Then follow them carefully and contact me immediately if you need anything!"


"Get out."


After the man went out.

He leaned on the swivel chair and was silent for a while. As he became quieter, the red-eyed look of the woman before him kept appearing in front of his eyes, and his heart became more and more constricted, as if being held by an invisible big hand. It was almost gone. Find a way to breathe...

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