After that, he shamelessly kept her by his side.

I hope that slowly, slowly, she can let go of her guard and let her see his sincerity.

Everything was going well originally, and he could even feel the struggle in her eyes when she looked at him occasionally.

However, just when he was describing their bright future with great hope, his mother would come out from halfway.

A slap in the face cut off two years of hard work.

Once again, the door to that woman's heart that had finally opened a small gap was completely closed!

Si Chen looked at him with pain on his face, "I never thought that one day I would use any means to keep a woman, but I...can't just watch her fall in love with someone else. We have broken up, now that After we break up, I have no right to care whether she wants to start a new relationship..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted forcefully, "Why can't you control it!"

Si Chen was startled for a moment and said subconsciously, "If we break up, it means we are two people who don't want to be together. Of course we can't control it..."

Li Beijue's eyes were filled with turmoil, and his sinister expression seemed to be bloodthirsty. He said coldly, "Which law stipulates that it is not allowed? Since it is not written, it means it is possible!"

He and Chi Enen are not two people who don't want to be locked up!

Even if it is, he will become no!

He squeezed the red wine glass tightly and took a sip.

Seeing his reaction, Si Chen suddenly thought of the news he saw the day before yesterday, "By the way, I forgot to ask you. Did you and Enen quarrel? What happened to Xize Lie? Wouldn't you also argue with Enen? Did you break up?"

"Shut up!"

"With your character, you shouldn't break up with Enen." After all, he had also been Beijue's doctor, so he had a better understanding of his paranoia. It is impossible for Beijue to break up with Enen.

"..." Li Beijue didn't want to say anything and drank even more urgently.

Si Chen was also in a bad mood and he didn't want to talk or ask. A bottle of red wine was opened again, and one glass after another was poured. With a dejected expression, he said, "I don't know how else I can face her. When I get close to her, I'm afraid that I can't control my jealousy and hurt her. But if I don't get close to her, my heart feels like it's dying. I can't help but pay attention to her. Every move he makes is like a voyeur.”

Si Chen smiled bitterly, "I never thought I would do this because of a woman. But I did it, and I don't regret it until now."

"I just need a little time. Give me a little more time. I don't want her to get hurt, so just give me a little more time to solve the things that need to be solved. I..."

Si Chen's heart suddenly shrank together.

He raised his head again and drank a full glass of red wine.

His eyes were extremely depressed, "I don't know what else I can do, how can I get closer to her and make her happier."

He raised his head and smiled bitterly at Li Beijue, "Can you believe it? I would be so helpless in front of a woman that I wouldn't know where to put it. Every time I face her, every word I say must be in my mind. I'm afraid of hurting her again. I love her so much that my heart hurts, but I don't dare to show it in front of her because we have broken up."

Li Beijue's thin lips were pressed into a straight line, with a domineering outline.

Si Chen was already in a daze from drinking, and closed his eyes with pain on his face. After a moment, he seemed to have controlled his emotions, picked up the wine glass, touched it with Li Beijue, and said, "Come, have a drink with me." ”

Li Beijue poured a glass with aristocratic temperament and drank it in one gulp.

Si Chen poured another glass and touched it to him again, "Wish you a happy broken love."

Li Beijue's eyes darkened, his Adam's apple rolled, and he drank it all again!

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