Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1838 I know, because she married me

—Because I'm getting married!

As soon as this sentence came out.

The air inside the car froze for a moment.

The surprise and sadness he expected did not appear. The little woman in front of her just blinked her eyes in astonishment, then said calmly, "I know."

Li Beijue suddenly felt as if his heart had been split in two.

Suddenly grabbed her wrist and approached her, "You know?"

That tone, no matter how you hear it, the rain is about to come.

Chi Enen didn't know what he meant, so he nodded, "Yes, I know. Grandpa came to me and told me about it."

"The old man went to you? He even told you." He tightened his fingers, almost unable to control his emotions, "What did you say?"

Chi Enen vaguely felt that he had misunderstood something, and told the truth, "I said I agreed."

Li Beijue's pupils suddenly shrank into needle-pointed wheat light, and the next second he gritted his teeth and growled, "Chi Enen, I should strangle you to death."

"So, you think I shouldn't agree?" Chi Enen asked him back. She probably saw what he had misunderstood.

Did he not know that he was going to marry her?

Master Li didn't tell him?

"What do you think? Should you still agree?" He held Chi Enen's hand tightly and said, "Don't forget, even if we broke up. I still have the custody of Chi Jingchen and the others. If I If you are married to someone else, you are not afraid that I will compete with you for custody?"

What she cared most about were Chi Baobao and Li Yinuo, and he knew that she was absolutely reluctant to part with her two children.

But if Chi Baobao and the others were used to force her, she would definitely compromise.

"I'm not afraid." Chi Enen didn't have a particularly big reaction this time.

Li Beijue really wanted to strangle her to death.

Extremely angry and helpless, he could only urge Huo Yi in a deep voice, "Drive faster!"

He didn't want to talk so much with her, so he said it at the airport first.

If you don't hurry up, it will be too late if the old man strikes first. At least Lin City is his territory, and he can protect her.

Huo Yi heard the conversation between the two in front, and he was a little suspicious when he heard that Chi Enen was so calm.

But before he found a chance to express his doubts to Li Beijue, he heard Chi Enen's voice from behind, "Li Beijue, don't you want to know all the conversations I had with Grandpa?"

"……In no mood!"

She wanted to say okay!

Chi Enen choked for a moment, stopped asking him, and said directly, "Grandpa asked me if I wanted to marry you. After I thought about it, I told him I agreed."

Grandpa asked me if I wanted to marry you, and after I considered it, I told him I agreed.

Li Beijue's whole body was stiff, every bone seemed as if it didn't belong to him anymore, it was as stiff as a stone. It took him a while to twist his neck, once and for all, until he looked at her, his hoarse throat could hardly find his own voice. His voice trembled slightly, "What did you say?"

Chi Enen didn't expect his reaction to be so strong, he let out a sigh of relief, looked into his eyes and said, "I said, grandpa asked me if I want to marry you. I agreed."

"Li Beijue, this time we are really going to get married. In half a month, we will get married. Grandpa said that he will announce it to the public."

Li Beijue, this time we are really going to get married.

All the languages ​​and words in the world are not enough to describe the beauty of this sentence, which makes him instantly placed in heaven!

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