The panda show will be held in Lin City, which is definitely a big event for Lin City and the entire fashion industry.

Supermodels from all over the world have been seated early, and the venue and performers are kept secret. However, the constantly released tidbits of fittings still caused wave after wave of hype.

The annual show of super first-line luxury brands like this has very strict control over admission tickets.

Under normal circumstances, it is only issued to those celebrities, or very outstanding fashionistas, or the industry elites, and international big names that have cooperated with the brand.

As for the stars, they must have sharpened their heads and wanted to squeeze into the invitation list of such a big show. After all, as long as they squeeze in, their worth will at least increase by a level in the future.

But since it is difficult to get in, how can it be so easy to squeeze in.

In particular, a director like Panda, who is known for being serious and serious, is even more difficult to get into.

Only a few pitiful stars got invitations.

One of them is Linnaeus.

After Lin Nai got the invitation letter, she made a lot of hype on the Internet. The Internet was full of all kinds of press releases she sent, as if she was very beautiful and famous.

The most important thing is that she also specifically stated in each newsletter that the invitation letter she got was sent to her by Ms. Prada herself.

All of a sudden, the gap between her and those who got the invitation letter through the brand suddenly appeared, which attracted the attention of many people.

Lin Nai also took advantage of this wave of enthusiasm and quietly accepted a few announcements.

Although it was all small announcements, it was better than the one where she was completely blocked before and had no exposure at all.

Because this show is so important to her, Lin Nai tried her best to turn around in this high-profile show, and she had prepared the clothes she would wear that day.

It's maintenance and hyaluronic acid treatment. It can be said that I have made enough preparations, and I can't wait to take care of every strand of hair to perfection.

On the day when the big show started, the show hadn't even started yet. She had already taken several sets of photos of her looks at the hotel, and they had become popular on the Internet.

Before it was about to start, she rented a luxury car at a high price and drove to the red carpet of the show.

Because Lin City rarely has such a high-profile big show, the media from all sides occupied the positions on both sides of the red carpet early. The guns and short guns were aimed at the red carpet, and the spotlights were already crackling.

As soon as Linnai's car stopped outside the red carpet, long guns and short cannons were aimed at this kind of nanny car, which was clearly a celebrity.

Sure enough, Lin Nai, who got out of the car, first showed a pair of slender legs, and then appeared in front of everyone.

The silver high-slit evening dress is sexy and eye-catching, and the design of crossing at the back is more charming than directly showing the back. The whole set of looks is simple and elegant, all supported by her good figure. Her hair was pulled into the shape of flower buds, and a strand of bangs hung down on both sides, curly, lazy and modified the shape of her face. Lin Nai was already pretty good looking, so she was even more eye-catching after being dressed up so carefully.

The spotlight clicked and lit up on her——

"Look this way!"

"Look this way, look this way!"

"Look here, how about a smile?"

"Smile, pose. Yes, look over here, smile, smile."

Reporters scrambled for her attention.

Lin Nai hadn't enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by spotlights for a long time, and the corners of her mouth curled up, just about to smile triumphantly.

at this time--

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