Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1864 I am the person invited by Ms. Prada personally

Chi Enen has never seen anyone as thick-skinned as Lin Nai, but she is not worried that Mrs. Hadley will agree to Lin Nai, because she knows very well that others have to choose the right person, and not everyone can do it.

An Xin has the strength, and it’s not all about her recommendation!

"Sorry, I have someone in mind."

"Mrs. Hadley, I..."

At this moment, a staff member walked towards her, checked with her iPad, then bent down and said politely to her, "I'm sorry, guest. The show will start in five minutes." , could you please go back to your seat?"

Linnai seemed to have been slapped in the face, and said awkwardly and embarrassedly, "I was personally invited by Ms. Prada, and I want to sit here."

"I'm sorry, the location of the show has been arranged early in the morning. Your location is not here." The staff repeated it without changing their expression.

Linnai gritted his teeth and emphasized again, "I was personally invited by Ms. Prada, and my invitation letter was personally handed to me by Ms. Prada!"

She meant to suggest to staff that her relationship with Prada was extraordinary and that she deserved special treatment and a front-row seat at the show.

The foreign staff member gave her an unclear look and said dutifully, "I'm sorry, I don't know who gave you your invitation letter, but the positions of the guests at the show have been arranged long ago. Here This is not your place, could you please go back to your place?"

The big show is about to begin, and the seats are almost full of guests.

Because Lin Nai was so messy, she attracted the attention of many people, who all looked towards her in surprise.

Lin Nai heard someone saying, "Who is this? When did this kind of person come into Panda's annual show? Wow, look at the clothes she is wearing, they are actually from last year. Haha, this is my first time. I saw someone wearing Panda’s last year’s model to attend a big show. This skirt is not a show model yet. Haha, it’s really embarrassing. I can’t wear this year’s model even if I don’t! I still have the nerve to stay in the front row and not leave. , if I were her, I would find a crack in the ground and crawl in."

"Young star, you want to be a star. For someone like her, who can borrow money from last year, she is so happy that she smiles like a flower. I guess she still thinks she is pretty. Besides, there are so many media here today, she This kind of little star finally seizes the opportunity to sneak in, and he must want to make enough money at once."

"Hmph! Grandma Liu enters the Grand View Garden! Low! This woman has probably never attended a top show. Haha, she still wants to get into the first row by being thick-skinned. Funny! I just said, this kind of 18th-tier starlet She’s the most shameless, did you hear it just now? She also said that she was personally invited by Ms. Prada, and that’s how she is, pull her down.”

Listening to the cynicism from all directions, Lin Nai felt like there was a needle pricking her buttocks. She fidgeted for a while and finally couldn't bear it anymore. Under the urging of the staff, he returned to his seat in embarrassment.

After she walked away, Lin Anxin frowned, leaned into Chi Enen's ear, and lowered her voice and said, "Enen, do you think you look a bit alike? It's strange, aren't you not related by blood?"

But it's not exactly the same. Chi Enen's skin is paler and she looks like a college student. Linnai is different. Although her facial features are more refined, she wears heavy makeup and looks very gaudy. It's just that at first glance, I think they look a bit alike.

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