Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1871 I want to press his face into the toilet

The green operating light finally turned red!

Lin Anxin was also kicked out of the operating room.

She quickly and neatly signed her name on the surgery consent form brought by the nurse and pressed her fingerprints. Then she sat on a chair nearby and stared at the ring on her finger, looking dazed.

Chi Enen sat next to her, not knowing how to comfort her, so he could only pat her shoulder silently.

"Yeah, he's a scumbag! How could I be so unlucky to meet such a hateful man! In my last life, I dug up his family's ancestral graves, and only then in this life did I meet him in the smoke. What do you mean? Why are you so unlucky? Why did you think you provoked him?" Lin Anxin hugged his knees with his hands, buried his head between his knees, and suddenly said.

Chi Enen's eyes were full of worry, and he said softly, "I'm sorry, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't know him..."

After all, if it weren't for her and Li Beijue, An Xin wouldn't have met Si Chen and wouldn't have experienced so many things.

Seeing An Xin in such pain now made her feel uncomfortable.

Lin Anxin raised his head, glanced at her, shook his head and said, "No, it has nothing to do with you. It's just me who is stupid. I think I can get through all kinds of grass without even a leaf touching me. I know he is unreliable. , I still approached him with the mentality of playing with him to death. In the end, I got involved in the game."

"An Xin, you and Si Chen..."

"I beat a child for him." Lin Anxin said suddenly.

Chi Enen looked at her in shock. She never knew there was such a story among them, and now she finally understood why An Xin had such a strange attitude towards Si Chen.

No wonder sometimes she could clearly feel that An Xin actually liked Si Chen, but at the same time she could feel An Xin's resistance.

"At that time, you and Mr. Li went to Country Y. I was afraid that you would be worried, so I didn't tell you."

"Well, you know? When I found out I was pregnant, I was really happy. At that time, I thought I was going to have a home and a family. I knew he was unreliable, but I thought he at least liked me. . I couldn’t wait to tell him that I was pregnant. But when I found him, he was with another woman. Only then did I know that he was also in contact with other women while he was dating me. I I thought a lot at night and decided to abort the child. I don’t want my child to be born in an environment without love. I can’t be as strong as you and be able to raise Baby Chi so well by yourself. I’m afraid of the future When he grew up and found out who his father was, he often saw on the news that his father was having an affair with someone else."

"He didn't know that I beat the child. Later, he didn't know why he was crazy and came to me again. He insisted on pestering me to be with him. When I saw his face, I really wanted to put him Press him down in the toilet and pump it into the sewer! But it's unrealistic. I just thought, I must take revenge on him, I must get rid of him." Lin Anxin lowered her shoulders and continued, "What did I think I could do? I didn't even show it, but I couldn't bear it for less than half a month before I couldn't help but have a showdown with him. That day I had a big fight with him and broke up with him, and then I realized that he already knew about my miscarriage. . He knows, and I’m thinking that we will definitely break up this time, and I will never have to see him again.”

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