Lin Anxin cried uncontrollably for more than ten minutes, and finally felt much better.

She casually wiped her face, and said while crying and laughing, "Look, I just said that the disinfectant water in the hospital is harsh on the eyes. Look at my eyes. It's really... Emma, ​​damn, it's a good thing I'm out. No makeup.”

Seeing that she looked much more relaxed, Chi Enen also felt relieved, walking along her steps with a smile and joking, "So I must bring some to the set next time, a magic tool for crying scenes."

Lin Anxin was most afraid of Chi Enen asking about her and Si Chen's past affairs. She just couldn't help herself, so she seemed to have said so much just now.

But she really wasn't in the mood to think about the past now.

Fortunately, Chi Enen didn't ask.

When she breathed a sigh of relief, she really relaxed a lot. Looking at Chi Enen's eyes full of gratitude, she bent her eyes and said, "It's necessary. I'll buy a bottle and take it back later." "

While they were talking, there was a sudden noise in the corridor.

A bright and flamboyant lady hurried over here, surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

The smile on Lin Anxin's face paused and slowly disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, the lady walked to the door of the operating room.

Si Chen's secretary immediately came forward to greet you, bent down and said hello respectfully, "Madam."

"What's going on inside? Why was there a car accident?" Mrs. Si was strong and arrogant.

"Mr. Si is still operating inside. I don't know the specific situation. There are still doctors and nurses coming out."

"Okay, why did my son get into a car accident?" Mrs. Si frowned and asked sharply.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on the secretary's forehead after being pressed by her, and she explained, "The accident occurred when the car that Mr. Si was riding in was hit by an illegal truck while turning."

"Accident?" Mrs. Si raised her voice, obviously unwilling to believe it was an accident.

She suddenly saw Lin Anxin in the corner with her peripheral vision, her brows suddenly raised, she pointed at Lin Anxin and asked with an unhappy expression, "Why is she here?"

She finally figured out why her son, who had clearly accepted her, suddenly had scandals with so many random little stars and models, and told her that he never planned to get married in this life.

In the final analysis, it was just to make her accept this woman.

She went to check and found that Lin Anxin had no hidden marriage at all, nor had she ever given birth to a child. That day in the coffee shop, she was treated like a monkey.

Mrs. Si was extremely angry when she thought of this incident. This was the first time in her decades of life that she had been teased like this.

The person who was teasing her was still a lowly female star.

When she thought about Si Chen not even planning to get married because of a female star, she was angry when she saw Lin Anxin!

"Tell me the truth, is Si Chen's car accident related to her?!"

The secretary didn't know why she was so angry. He shook his head and wanted to explain, "Madam, you misunderstood. Miss Lin came here just now. If it weren't for Miss Lin, Mr. Si wouldn't have had the surgery yet. This car accident is really It was an accident and has nothing to do with Miss Lin..."

"Humph, it doesn't matter? It doesn't matter. Why is she here?" Mrs. Si's words were thorny, "How dare you lie to me! It was Si Chen who told you to say that, right?"

Just as she was getting angry at her secretary, the door to the operating room opened——

A nurse wearing a mask with blood on her hands came out in a hurry. Scanning the crowd outside the operating room, he raised his voice and asked, "Are the patient's family members here?"

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