Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1875 Si Chen had given her blood transfusion before

After she finished speaking, she ordered the nurse, "Okay, there's no need to draw her blood. Their blood type matches, and it's just right for use. You can just draw her blood directly."

Lin Anxin asked her unclearly, "We have matched each other. What does this mean?"

The doctor glanced at her and said calmly, "You have been to the hospital for medical treatment before, right? There is a file on the computer showing that you came to our hospital for an abortion the year before last, and you had slight bleeding three days after the operation. At that time, because you had panda blood, the hospital blood bank happened to have no stock of this blood type. It was Mr. Si who donated 200CC of blood for you. Mr. Si also donated blood for you several times after that, didn’t you know?"

When you came to our hospital for an abortion, you started bleeding three days later. The hospital didn’t have blood of this type anymore. It was Mr. Si who donated the blood for you. Don’t you know?

The female doctor's words rang in her ears repeatedly. Lin Anxin's pupils shrank involuntarily and she clenched her fists.

she does not know!

I don’t know from beginning to end!

Si Chen never told her.

She always thought that Si Chen was behind her. When she couldn't bear it and had a big argument with him, she accidentally let it slip that he knew they had a child.

She didn't know that Si Chen had known about it a long time ago.

Since he knew it a long time ago, why never said it...

Lin An's heart was in a state of confusion, her heart was sore and astringent, and she had an indescribable feeling of suffocation.

The nurse who drew her blood did not notice anything unusual about her and reminded her, "Ms. Lin, could you please relax? If you clench your fists like this, the needle will easily puncture the blood vessels. It is also not conducive to blood circulation."

Lin Anxin opened her palms in a daze.

The nurse pinched the blood bag and said to the doctor, "Doctor, the patients in the operating room have lost too much blood. I'm afraid 200CC is not enough. Check the blood banks in the city. Do you still have the same type of blood? See if you can transfer some." "

"I checked earlier and found no. There are some in Beijing and City, but they are so far away. Even if they were transferred here, it would be too late."

"What should I do?" the nurse asked at a loss.

The doctor was just about to say how do I know what to do, but the person who had been in a daze suddenly interrupted and said calmly, "Pump me first, and then let someone go to Beijing to transfer!"

"Please help me call my friend in." Lin Anxin already had an idea in mind and said to the nurse.

"Now?" The nurse hesitated.

"Didn't you say there wasn't enough blood? She has a way to bring the blood from the capital city as quickly as possible."

Enen is a member of the Habsden family, as well as Young Master Li. Young Master Li must have a private plane in Lin City. He can only ask Enen for help first and ask Young Master Li to call a helicopter and let the helicopter from Beijing City send blood samples. This is the fastest way.

As for her, her blood was drawn before the blood sample from Beijing was sent!

Soon, the nurse called Chi Enen in.

Lin Anxin briefly told her the situation and said with difficulty, "Well, I know there is a military training base in Beijing. Young Master Li can definitely mobilize the helicopters there. Can you tell Young Master Li for me? Ask him to do me a favor?"

After Chi Enen heard this, he said without saying a word, "Okay, I'll call him right away!"

Lin Anxin was originally worried that she would be in trouble, but he breathed a sigh of relief and said to her seriously, "Thank you, eh."

Thank you for always being by her side.

Otherwise, she really didn't know how to get through today.

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