He quietly took over all her public relations and built a natural barrier for her to keep out all rumors and rumors from the outside world.

If his mother hadn't suddenly found her on the set and slapped her, maybe she would have continued to get along with him for a long time.

At least you won't be resistant to asking for a breakup.

Lin Anxin lowered her head and was about to take a sip of hot water when she suddenly saw the ring that the man had forcibly put on the ring finger of her left hand. She froze in silence for a moment before lowering her head, raising the cup and drinking some water.

The warm red date water entered her throat, and her dry throat finally felt better.

She stood up and put the cup on the bedside, stretched out her hand, and touched the rare stubble on the man's chin with complex eyes.

She thought something like stubble would never appear on this man's face.

Unexpectedly, one day she would actually see it.

Because the stubble on Si Chen's chin had just sprouted, only a short section, her fingers stung when she touched it.

She only touched it once and then withdrew her hand.

She stood quietly at the bedside for a while, then sat back on the chair...


When Si Chen woke up, the moon outside had already risen.

After the anesthesia wore off, the first thing he felt was the sharp pain from the stitches on the injured area of ​​his left leg. In addition, he also felt a little dizzy.

He moved his fingers first and then reluctantly opened his eyes.

The first thing you see is the ceiling of the hospital.

After the initial intense dizziness, he subconsciously turned his head and looked towards the bed.

I saw a person lying quietly beside his bed, probably because she was too tired. The woman sitting next to his bed lay on his bed and fell asleep quietly.

Her hair was messy, and two strands covered her face. Her face, which had no makeup to begin with, was haggard. Even when she fell asleep, she frowned tightly, as if she was worried.

So ugly...

Si Chen stared intently at the face of the woman sleeping next to his hospital bed. It was obvious that this woman did not have her usual delicate makeup, beautiful clothes, and her hair was messy. It was completely different from watching her in front of the TV. . But for some reason, his heart felt as if it was hit by something invisible. His heartbeat was pounding so hard that he could hear the echo.

He quickly noticed that Lin Anxin fell asleep without covering anything. He frowned and moved with difficulty, trying to pull the quilt on himself to cover the person lying next to the bed.

As soon as he moved, the sleeping person immediately raised his head as if he was electrocuted. His eyes were clearly still confused from sleep, and his hand reflexively reached out and touched in his direction.

This action is completely subconscious. You will only do this subconscious action when you are extremely worried about someone.

"Are you awake?" Lin Anxin saw him, and the hazy sleepiness in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and he immediately woke up. He stood up and said, "I'll call the doctor!"

"Lin Anxin!" Si Chen didn't know why he did this. When he reacted, his hand had accurately grasped the wrist of the woman who was about to leave.

Lin Anxin was suddenly pulled by someone, turned around, frowned, and explained uncomfortably, "You just woke up. I'll call the doctor for you to check it out."

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