Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1886 is going to be unlucky

Li Beijue was going to Lin City, but within half an hour, the ticket had already been arranged.

Originally, he planned to take a private jet to go there, but the temporary transfer of the private jet still required a line arrangement with the airport, which required a delay of two hours.

He didn't want to waste those two hours, so he had someone buy a first-class ticket.

There are many flights from W Airport to Lin City, and there are many people.

Because of Li Beijue's status, he walked through the VIP passage and didn't queue up with people on the same shift.

Soon, they boarded the plane.

Airplanes are big.

Although Li Beijue chose to condescend to take the first class this time, but with his character, he still doesn't like to be crowded with too many people.

So he bought all the first-class seats on this plane.

In fact, there were only him and Chi Baobao sitting in the first class.

Chi Baobao chose a seat by the window and sat inside. Li Beijue sat next to him. As soon as he got on the plane, he immediately took out his laptop and started working.

Chi Baobao was playing on his ipad. His ipad had cached a lot of TV dramas he was chasing recently, so he didn't have to worry about running out of TV to watch.

He watched it politely with headphones on, and he didn't disturb others.

Because the two of them were the last to board the plane, the others had already boarded the plane, and no one would pass by them and disturb them.

After the preliminary inspection, the plane took off.

After the plane drove smoothly, the stewardesses began to distribute drinks.

As a first-class cabin, of course, there is also a dedicated stewardess service. Because there were only the two of them, the stewardess did not push the cart over, but walked directly to their seats, bent down, and asked with a smile, "Sir, kid, do you want a drink?"


Chi Baobao was wearing earphones, so he couldn't hear anything. He just smelled a strong scent of perfume, and couldn't help but look in the direction of the smell, only to see the stewardess winking at Old Wang next door. screen. He couldn't watch the TV for a while, and reached out to take off the earphones. A trace of evil flashed across his eyes, and he deliberately dropped a small ball played by Nuo Nuo in his pocket on the ground, and then yelled, "Ah, my ball fell!"

The beautiful stewardess was worried about not being able to find a chance to show off, so she immediately said softly, "Don't worry, kid, sister will help you find it."

"Really? That's great." Chi Baobei smiled and called a beautiful and cute little prince who came out of a fairy tale.

The stewardess took a peek at the man's noble side face, her cheeks were flushed, and her voice became more gentle, "Really, kids, sit down quickly, don't get out of your seat."

She bent down and started to find Chi Baobao.

Her original intention was to show off her most beautiful side, so as to attract the attention of that superb man. However, she didn't expect that Chi Baobao's toy ball would fall in the seat, and if she wanted to pick it up, she had to lie down on the ground and fish for it.

She was reluctant, but she agreed to everything, and she couldn't let the plane security come over to pick it up at this time. I could only lie on the ground and reach out to pick it up.

She wanted to try her best to make the one she picked up look better, but with that awkward posture, how could it look good.

Fortunately, she quickly picked up the ball. While she breathed a sigh of relief, her delicately made-up face raised a smile, and deliberately went to Chi Baobao to return the ball to him, "Little friend, is it this?"

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