Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1908 Someone has been following them!

He still hasn't found out how the accident happened or how he was hypnotized.

But he was certain that the man who hypnotized him was the hostage he 'rescued'. The hostage must have been sneaked in beforehand, and the smoke bomb was also planned by them.

He hasn't thought clearly yet. These people have done so much and calculated so accurately just to make him forget Chi Enen?

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits?

And who was the one who tipped off those people and told those people that he would go?

There are still many things he hasn't figured out yet, but he has already asked people to investigate them privately, but in a very low-key manner.

Because he didn't want to alert those people.

When he finds the original hostage, everything will be revealed.

Li Beijue didn't plan to tell Chi Enen the complicated things before he found out the truth. The most important thing for him now was to tell this woman, "Chi Enen, I remembered."

"The person I like, I remember all the things I did with you before."

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

Li Beijue actually apologized.

If others heard it, they would definitely be shocked.

But now, Chi Enen couldn't pay attention to it at all. She covered her mouth to suppress the sour mist in her eyes.

He really remembered.

Thinking of her, thinking of Chi Baobao, thinking of Nono. Instead of listening to others, tell him who this is for him.

Seeing her uncontrollable excitement, Li Beijue's heart suddenly twitched, and he pulled her into his arms, "Chi Enen, I told you, I will remember you at the end of the month."

"It's almost the end of the month."

At that time, he originally wanted to prepare a big surprise for her, but who knew that Xize Lie's accident happened in the middle.

Fortunately, the surprise is still a surprise now.

He lowered his head, finally sealed the red lips that he had been thinking about for a while, pried open his lips and teeth, and captured the city...

The breeze on the hillside blew by, bringing with it the fragrance of flowers, and everything was just right.

However, in a corner that no one noticed, a low-key Changan Mazda parked under the shade of a tree. A lens stretched out of the car window and snapped pictures of the two people on the lawn.

After taking the photo, the people in the car carefully put away their tools, rolled up the windows, and drove outside.

There is so little traffic here that even if you are parked in a corner, it is still easy to be spotted.

He didn't want to be caught red-handed.

The man pushed the car to a place where there were a little more people but the only exit, and then he took out his photo-taking job. I sorted out the photos and connected them to the computer with a data cable. I sent a few to the agreed place.

After the money in the account was transferred, he rubbed his hands and excitedly sent all the remaining photos. After doing all this, he immediately removed the temporary network card inserted into the laptop and threw it into the lake.

He bought the network card online, and the account and address he used were fake. He threw it away after using it. I don’t believe that someone could trace it to him.

At the same time, on the side of Country W, Li Qiyun looked at the photos in the computer email one by one, with a fierce aura in his heroic eyes.

She read them one by one.

Then I threw the photos into the trash and deleted them one by one.

When she saw the photo of the two wearing couple's T-shirts and kissing on the lawn, which was as beautiful as a painting, she almost smashed her laptop!

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