Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1917 A family of three goes out

Since having Nono, Chi Enen hasn't had a meal alone with Chi Baobao like before for a long time.

Chi Baobao probably feels the same way.

I was chattering along the way and was in a good mood. I kept pointing at the scenery outside the car window and reminiscing about the past there.

"Ah, Chi Enen, look! That street, we went there to buy glutinous rice dumplings, remember? I remember there was a supermarket over there, and there was a doll-catching machine next to the supermarket. You are so stupid, I invested ten dollars, but I didn’t catch a single doll!”

"……I tried my best."

"That's why I said you were stupid."

"Then you didn't arrest him either." Chi Enen couldn't help but expose his shortcomings.

Chi Baobei glanced at her leisurely and said, "I didn't arrest you because you already grabbed eight yuan of coins, leaving only two yuan for me. I didn't catch her. If you gave me eight yuan, I can definitely catch the 1 yuan coin!"

Chi Enen almost blurted out that it was not necessarily true.

Li Beijue spent so long catching dolls at the amusement park last time and spent thousands of yuan to catch a few dolls.

Maybe he has inherited his father's genes, and the eight dollars won't buy him a doll at all.

Chi Baobao's attention has been diverted to other things, "That's the supermarket over there. I wonder how Granny Wang, the third vegetable seller at the door, is doing. She always gives me two green onions. I wonder what happened to her grandson?" Did you come back to see her during the holidays?"

At that time, he only had Chi Enen. Chi Enen returned to China first, so he had to live alone with Grandma Panda for a month.

At that time, he wanted Chi Enen to come back to see him every day, just like Granny Wang, the vegetable seller, longed for her grandson to come back to see her.

He has been waiting to be reunited with Chi Enen. I wonder if Granny Wang is waiting for her grandson?

Seeing him lying on the car window, looking melancholy, Chi Enen comforted him softly, "He must have gone back. Didn't Grandma Wang say before that her grandson called her and said he would go back during the festival?"

"Oh. That's good." Chi Baobao's melancholy came and went quickly, and she was no longer depressed in a blink of an eye. "I also think her grandson has gone back. She said that her grandson just started working in the first year. It’s good to ask for leave. Her grandson promised her that he would apply for a transfer back if he had the opportunity in the future."


"Which company is it from?" The man who had been driving quietly and did not interrupt their conversation suddenly spoke.

Chi Baobei was stunned for a moment and looked at him, "What?"

"Which company does the grandson of the vegetable seller in the vegetable market work for?" Li Beijue actually repeated it patiently.

Chi Baobei is so smart. He immediately understood what he meant and jumped up with joy, "Are you going to transfer him back?"

"Look at his ability! If he has good ability, Li's branch here is still short of someone, so he can give it a try."

When did the Li family lack someone?

Even if there is a position to be recruited, you have to go through thousands of people to interview before you can get in.

He lied without changing his face.

After all, Chi Baobei was still young and didn't understand the company's procedures. She thought the Li family was really short of people and said excitedly, "I'll ask Granny Wang where her grandson works some other time."

Li Beijue glanced at him with his dark eagle eyes. Seeing the excitement on his little face, his mood improved a lot. He raised his thin lips and said domineeringly, "No, I'll tell Huo Yi to ask when the time comes."

If he, a child, came to ask these questions, the old woman buying vegetables wouldn't believe him, so it would be better to let Huo Yi go.

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