Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1921 Join forces to slap Linnai in the face

Lin Nai's eyes immediately filled with joy, and she quickly responded, "Does Jing Chen know about your grandmother?"

"I know, I also know that my grandpa was sick, and my aunt forced my mom to give her five million, otherwise she wouldn't treat my grandpa. I knew that she framed my mom for three hundred thousand yuan. I Mommy has severed ties with her a long time ago, why, you are my mommy’s cousin?”

What he said was serious and not polite at all. But everything he said was true.

Lin Nai was blocked by him and couldn't utter a word. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't find the steps. "Well...how did Jingchen know this...You are still so young. It's not good to know this..."

As she spoke, she glanced at Chi Enenyi without any trace. It was made clear that Chi Enen would be given eye drops in front of Li Beijue.

However, she thought too much.

Li Beijue's eyes had moved away from her face. He finally saw what was strange about this woman. Her face looked a bit like Chi Enen's. But it's not like that, not as good-looking as Chi Enen.

The facial features are clearly similar, but Chi Enen's face looks good. When it grows on her face, it becomes ugly!

"Isn't what he said the truth?" The person who had been silent finally spoke, and Lin Nai's face turned blue and white as soon as he spoke.

She opened her eyes in disbelief, as if Li Beijue had hurt her, "Young Master Li?"

He had clearly been looking at her just now.

Look at her intently!

Why did he help Chi Baobao prevent her from getting off stage in the blink of an eye?

Is it because Chi Enen is here?

Lin Nai clenched the hand on his side, clenched it tightly into a fist, bit his lower lip, and said aggrievedly, "My mother did something wrong before, but she has apologized. She also does it now She has been punished. At such an old age, she is sick and has no one to visit her in the hospital. She has always wanted to see Enen and apologize to her in person, but Enen refused to give her a chance. There is nothing she can do..."

Chi Enen has seen people who confuse right and wrong, but he has never seen anyone like Lin Nai who calls black into white.

Didn't they know what Lin Meiqi had done?

Why did she go to see Lin Meiqi if she wanted to see her?

She is not the Virgin White Lotus. Lin Meiqi has done so many things, but she still wants to get together and give them a chance to hurt herself.

Chi Enen looked calm, as if the person Lin Nai was talking about was not her, but there was disappointment and numbness in her eyes.

Regardless of whether they are members of the Chi family or the Lin family, except for her grandfather, everyone is like this.

Fortunately she met Li Beijue.

If she hadn't met Li Beijue, she couldn't imagine what she was like now.

At least she couldn't remain calm in the face of Lin Nai's accusations.

The reason why she can stand here so calmly now is because she is no longer alone, she also has a family. Her family is by her side!

Chi Baobao was the one who was the angriest. With a straight face, he immediately lowered his face and said, "Oh, if you want to apologize, my mommy will give you a chance? Why? Your face is the fault of your family. You just want face." If you want face, why don’t you say you are shameless?”

"You-" Linnai was scolded by a child. He was shaking with anger and raised his hands.

Li Beijue pulled the person over and stood behind him. His eagle eyes glanced at Lin Nai coldly, as if he was looking at a piece of garbage, and said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Nai's face turned blue, white, and purple, but she didn't dare to offend him, so she could only grit her teeth and walk away in despair.

As soon as she leaves.

Chi Baobao walked out from behind Li Beijue and asked Li Beijue dissatisfied, "Why did you keep staring at her just now?"

"Look at your face!"

Chi Baobei actually didn't have any hairy hair. She pondered for a moment and said, "Do you also think her face looks like Chi Enen?"

"No, Chi Enen is not that ugly!"

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