Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1924 What are father and son fighting about?

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update of love marriage: big CEO, little sweetheart!

It was already half past nine in the evening when we returned to the villa.

Chi Enen came out after taking a bath. The first one and the second child had already finished taking baths and were playing on the sofa.

Chi Baobao is wearing tiger pajamas and sitting on the left playing with his iPad. Li Beijue was wearing a silver-gray nightgown, sitting on the right side, typing on the keyboard of his laptop.

The two of them did not interfere with each other and were surprisingly harmonious.

Chi Baobei first noticed that she had come out after taking a shower. He raised his head, put down the iPad in his hand, jumped off the sofa first and said, "Woman, you finally came out. I thought you fell in. It was too slow. It was so slow." Like a snail."


Li Beijue seems to have said this kind of thing.

Sure enough, they were two father and son.

In a blink of an eye, he had walked up to Chi Enen in adult slippers, held her hand, and said, "I brought the detective story book you bought me. Tell me a story tonight. I want to listen." You tell stories so you can fall asleep."

Chi Enen subconsciously glanced at the people on the sofa.

Sure enough, the man who had been immersed in his work had raised his head, with an unhappy expression on his handsome face, and his sharp eagle eyes narrowed. He looked at Chi Baobao unhappily, and touched his thin lips, "Didn't you say that you Already a man?”

Chi Baobao turned his head and said confidently, "Men can also listen to stories to sleep! What I listen to is not Grimm's Fairy Tales, but Sherlock Holmes!"

Chi Enen had a splitting headache.

I simply don’t understand what the two of them are fighting about.

But she was definitely more worried that Chi Baobao couldn't sleep. "Okay, I'll tell you a story. You go in first."

"Okay~!" Chi Baobao almost jumped up.

Before trotting into the bedroom, he didn't forget to turn around and give the man on the sofa a provocative look, and then ran back to the room.

Wait for him to go in.

The person on the sofa immediately gritted his teeth and shouted, "Chi Enen!"

How dissatisfied the voice is!

Now they have reconciled their old relationship, reunited after a long separation, a little separation is better than a new marriage... No matter what, this is the time when she should spend more time with him at night! Damn it, she actually agreed to read storybooks to children!

Boys shouldn't be so spoiled!

She is so used to Chi Jingchen that she is almost becoming lawless!

Chi Enen pretended not to hear the deep dissatisfaction in his tone, and said innocently, "You go to bed first, and I'll put Baby Chi to sleep first. It might be very late, so you don't have to wait for me."

"I'm waiting for you!" Decisively!

Chi Enen had no choice but to say, "Let me tell you first, it may be very late. Baby Chi doesn't sleep well. It's not easy for him to fall asleep if he changes places all of a sudden."

She was also afraid that while talking, she fell asleep like Chi Baobao, so Li Beijue couldn't wait until dawn tomorrow?

She pondered for a moment and then said, "If I never come back, you can go to bed first. You really don't have to wait for me..."

"I told you I'd wait for you!" His dark eagle eyes stared at her for a moment, as if he wanted to eat her up.

Chi Enen knew what that look meant. She quickly looked away, uncomfortably avoiding eye contact with him, and said as if running away, "Okay, I'll try my best. You go in first."

After saying that, she quickly entered Chi Baobao's second bedroom and closed the door with a click.

After the brown door was firmly closed, Li Beijue slowly withdrew his gaze, put down the laptop on his lap, got up and walked to the sink, made himself a cup of coffee, and poured it back.

He will wait, no matter how late!

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