Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1926 Chi Enen is going to the company

The early morning sunlight shone in from the window. The person on the big bed had not yet opened his eyes, and he reached out his hand to touch the side with satisfaction.

Didn't get the expected touch.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and his dark eyes were more dazzling than the sun outside.

Li Beijue's breathing deepened and he sat up.

Damn it, why is there no one? Where is Chi Enen?

He put on his nightgown, got up, opened the door and walked out.

Outside in the living room, Chi Baobao was already playing with Huo Yi.

He looked around and found the person who had disappeared early in the morning in the kitchen.

Chi Enen came out with soy milk. She had a good night's sleep. She looked energetic and greeted him, "Morning, Li Beijue, are you awake? Butler Huo went to buy some breakfast and came back. Let's come and have some together."

As she said that, she passed by him and put the soy milk on the dining table. Then he went back, took out the fried dough sticks and porridge, and called to the little boy who got up early in the morning to watch TV, "Chi baby, it's time for breakfast!"

"Oh." The person on the sofa turned off the TV reluctantly and walked to the kitchen.

When passing Li Beijue, he muttered softly, "How old are you to stay in bed? It's so embarrassing."

He muttered very quietly, but Li Beijue still heard it with sharp ears. His eagle eyes glanced at him, and the person who muttered quietly closed his mouth immediately and walked inside.

"Sir." Huo Yi helped him pull out his chair.

Li Beijue walked to the dining table, sat down, and asked casually, "How long have Chi Enen been up?"

Huo Yi didn't understand, but answered honestly, "Miss Chi has been up for more than an hour."

More than an hour...

Li Beijue's eagle eyes darkened, he picked up a fried dough stick and bit into it bitterly!

It seems that he shouldn't let her go so easily last night, and needs to work harder!

Chi Enen didn't know what he was thinking yet. If he knew, he would definitely regret getting up so early. She took out the jam and bread, then pulled out a chair and sat down, saying, "Housekeeper Huo, if you don't like fried dough sticks, you can also eat these."

Huo Yi grew up in country W and might be more accustomed to eating bread and jam for breakfast.

But she and Chi Baobao like to eat soy milk and fried dough sticks. She hasn't eaten them for a long time, so she asked Huo Yi to buy them.

Chi Enen raised his head and glanced at the man sitting across from him. He saw that he had already picked up the fried dough sticks and started to eat them. He swallowed the words that came to his lips.

never mind.

Li Beijue was already eating, which showed that he still liked eating soy milk and fried dough sticks. She stopped asking him to eat bread to prevent him from thinking about other things.

Chi Enen was originally afraid that he would think wildly, so she didn't call him, but in Li Beijue's eyes, she only cared about what Huo Yi ate and ignored her own existence!

damn it!

He bit the fried dough sticks harder, as if he was eating Chi Enen fiercely instead of eating fried dough sticks.

During the entire breakfast, he had a stinky face and exuded low pressure without saying a word.

Chi Enen didn't understand why he was depressed so early in the morning. She thought he was angry about getting up early, so she ignored him decisively and watched Chi Baobao drink milk.

By the time I finished breakfast, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning.

Huo Yifei rushed to clear the dishes, but Chi Enen didn't argue with him. He went to change clothes, walked out and said, "Chi baby, you can play with your dad later."

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