Huo Tingting was not an unstable person like Si Chen. Since he was leaving in the middle of the meal, it must be an urgent matter. It was just a meal, so there was no need to ask people to stay.

The reason why he let her go so simply was that this woman seemed to be very curious about Lei Ting from just now. When Lei Ting said that Jin Zhixuan studied oil painting, she showed a thoughtful expression.

Although he didn't think this woman was interested in Lei Ting, he was still unhappy with her paying attention to other people.

Especially when he is also present, the focus is not on him!

"Sorry." Huo Tingting apologized again, then picked up his coat and went out.

As soon as he left, Chi Enen immediately put down his chopsticks, turned around and asked, "Li Beijue, Chi Baobao, he..."

The arrogant man put a big piece of salt and pepper pork ribs into her bowl and said without raising his eyebrows, "Don't worry, he doesn't know anything. I asked Huo Yi to cut the network cable at home, so he can't access the Internet. Now it should be Watching cartoons in the living room to pass the time.”

Chi Enen's heart dropped into her stomach, "...that's good."

She was worried that Chi Baobao would be worried if she read about Ryan's accident on the Internet.

Li Beijue was not here, so she didn't trust him at home alone. It would be too unsafe for him to come out to find her alone because he was too worried.

Especially now, before she found out who was persecuting her, what she was most worried about was Chi Baobao's safety.

It doesn't matter what she is like. If Chi Baobei has any accident at this time, she will definitely not be able to bear it.

Li Beijue glanced at her, picked up another piece of pig's trotters and put it into her bowl. He grabbed her hand domineeringly, put the chopsticks into her hand, and said, "I have everything! Eat first! Look at you, you haven't eaten just one meal, what's the state of your face." Lin Anxin was so twitched He’s so bloody and looks prettier than you! Eat more! You must eat it all.”

In the blink of an eye, he put a lot of vegetables in for Chi Enen, and directly made Chi Enen's bowl pointy, and the vegetables just barely missed falling.

Chi Enen took the chopsticks and ate a little bit of the tasteless food, but then he couldn't eat anymore. "Li Beijue, I'm full."

Before she even put her chopsticks down, she was threatened.

"If you go home at night and want Chi Jingchen to see your pale face, put down your chopsticks now and stop eating."


"If you come back with such a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, even if he doesn't read the news online, will he not notice anything when he sees you like this?"

Chi Enen choked at what he said and almost wondered if he had really lost weight and gained a sharp chin without eating, but after thinking about it, he thought it was impossible.

It's not that she didn't eat, she just went to the police station today and had lunch late.

If you eat later, you will lose weight and have a pointed chin, and there won’t be so many people trying to lose weight. "I..."

"If you don't eat, I'll tell Chi Jingchen what happened." The threat from the domineering man Chi Guoguo!

This threat was more effective than all the words he had just said. Chi Enen saw the seriousness in his eyes and did not dare to really bet on whether he would tell Chi Baobao. He could only pick up the chopsticks and said depressedly, "I'll eat it." If I don’t finish this much, I’ll try to eat a little more. It’s easy to get stomach problems if you eat too much, so I’ll try my best anyway.”

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