Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1945 There are many people outside the emergency room

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely stand behind you." Lin Anxin vowed, but Chi Enen still didn't believe her.

But there’s nothing you can do if you don’t believe it.

She checked the time on her watch, adjusted her mood, and walked to the emergency room——

The emergency department of the hospital was exactly as Lin Anxin said before. It was crowded with people, and there were police on site to maintain order.

But it couldn't stop the reporters who kept trying to rush inside.

"Let us in!"

"Yes, let us go in! We want to go in and film the truth!"

"We need to interview the injured to understand the situation!"

The police formed a human wall and blocked the reporters who kept rushing in. They held a loudspeaker and said seriously, "Please calm down and cooperate with our police work. Don't make loud noises in the hospital and affect the work of medical staff." . If anyone makes a fuss again, we will detain the rioters according to law!”

"We just want to know the truth. Why can't we interview the injured and their families? Is there anything we can't tell?" The reporter reluctantly grabbed the policeman holding the loudspeaker.

The policeman rolled his eyes at her and said, "It's not that we won't let you in for interviews, it's that so many of you will disturb the medical staff treating patients."

"We won't disturb other people, we just want to interview the injured, and the families of the injured can also do so."

"I don't care what you want to do. I only know that my job is to maintain order on site and ensure that the doctors inside can treat patients with peace of mind. Don't keep making noises here, otherwise I will have to act in accordance with the law."

The female reporter was not afraid at all. She surrounded the police with long guns and cannons, and immediately said, "Are you threatening reporters? Just because we asked to interview the families of the injured, the police openly threatened reporters?"

The policeman was so angry with her that he reached out his hand to block the camera. He said patiently, "I'm asking you to cooperate with our police work and don't disturb the doctors inside who are saving people. If you make a big fuss in the hospital again, If you make trouble, we can only act in accordance with the law. This is also for the sake of the injured and their families. If you continue to be so entangled, what will happen if it affects the doctors inside to save people? "

"We only asked for interviews with the families of the wounded, how could it affect the doctors? You just threatened me, saying that if I continued to ask for interviews, you would take me to the police station. Didn't you say something similar?"

"..." The policeman was so dizzy with her surrounding him that he subconsciously retorted, "I didn't."

The female reporter deliberately provoked him and said, "What I said is what I said. We have cameras. As a police officer, don't you dare to admit what you said? You already said similar things."

The policeman was pulled and pulled by her and poked in the face with a microphone. He couldn't help but block her microphone and said with a bad expression, "I did say it, but what I said is..."

The female reporter showed a successful smile, interrupted him immediately, turned back to the photographer and said, "Did you record the part just now? Send it back to the company quickly!"

"Don't worry, it's recorded. Okay, I'll send it back right away." The photographer also smiled knowingly, took the camera, made an OK gesture, and walked aside.

No matter how slow their reaction was, the police realized what they were going to do and immediately shouted to stop, "Come back! What are you doing! You are making fake news!"

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