One of the older, middle-aged women stood up, stared at Chi Enen with suspicion, and asked her in a non-committal tone, "Is an apology useful? Our family members are still being treated in the hospital. Can you say sorry?" That’s it?”

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt a cold gaze falling on her. She felt cold all over and subconsciously looked in the direction of the gaze.

She saw that the man who came with her was arrogant and noble. The look that made her tremble just now was the way this man looked at her, sinister and fierce!

Most of her arrogance was suddenly cut off, but facing so many people, she couldn't show her timid side, so she could only stand in front of them.

After hearing her words, others followed suit and said, "Yeah, is it useful to be sorry? Can my husband be discharged from the hospital just because I'm sorry? Can I just pretend that nothing happened if I'm sorry?"

"Such a big thing happened in your shopping mall. How can you just say sorry? We don't accept your apology. Unless you can make my daughter go home with me as if nothing is wrong."


Li Beijue frowned.

Just about to step forward.

His move had been noticed by Chi Enen, who quickly grabbed his hand, shook her head at him, and gave him a begging look.

Li Beijue's tall back stiffened, his movements paused, his handsome face was livid, but he did not move forward impulsively.

Chi Enen waited until they finished speaking and no one continued to accuse, then she looked at everyone calmly and said, "Everyone listen to me. Now that things have happened, I can't turn back time, and I don't have the ability to turn back time. . So, I can’t let your family members be discharged from the hospital right away, but since I’m here today, I will definitely take responsibility for this accident.”

"How are you responsible?!" Someone stood up and asked sharply.

Chi Enen was not timid because he was surrounded by so many people. He said generously and sincerely, "First of all, our company must pay for the medical expenses of each injured person. After everyone recovers, we will compensate accordingly according to the situation." Compensation. Including lost time, nutrition, mental losses, etc. We will also provide free psychological treatment to ensure that the impact of this accident on each injured person is minimized. I know that what I promise now cannot be changed. It’s true that they were all injured because of our company’s mistakes, but I will try my best to give everyone a satisfactory answer.”

In fact, except for the person who was killed due to a construction accident, the others were all injured due to stampedes. Although many people were injured in the city center at that time, most of them were minor injuries such as fractures. Chi Enen's attitude was sincere and she also said that she would provide follow-up compensation. Most of the people surrounding her accepted this result.

Although these words had been told to them by people from the Ryan Public Relations Department just now, Chi Enen, the company representative, obviously made them believe it more.

Despite this, they still surrounded Chi Enen and had no intention of letting him go. They were still a little hesitant.

Seeing that their emotions gradually stabilized, Chi Enen continued, "Who among you has a mobile phone? Can you borrow it for me?"

The middle-aged woman who first questioned Chi Enen said, "I brought it."

She found her phone and handed it to Chi Enen.

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